Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Sunday, April 23, 2006

As a public service...

we make available here a communication published in the Eastern Gazette yesterday, April 22nd.
SAD 46 K-8 Project Information Meeting in Garland
With new district superintendent Kevin Jordan and a largely new school board membership, the SAD 46 Board of Directors voted unanimously on Wednesday April 5th, at a publicly held meeting at Dexter Regional High School, to move the proposed K-8 building project process forward. This unanimous vote ensured that district voters are allowed an opportunity to make an informed decision as to whether or not their children will attend a new state of the art district school or continue with the status quo. In keeping with current board member's and superintendent Jordan's stated goal of keeping the public informed, he and board members are meeting with local town selectmen to conduct question and answer sessions. As the process moves forward, public input will be sought and debate encouraged with no final decision made until a referendum is held and the public's decision honored.

One such informational meeting was held in Garland between SAD 46 Board of Director members, Superintendent Kevin Jordan and Garland town selectmen. This was held in the Garland Town Hall on April 10th at 7:00 P.M. to provide current project status and to address questions. The long studied project consists of several state-mandated milestones that have to be met before a final recommendation is made by the board to present to district voters. An overview of the district building project history was presented by Board Chairman John Parola after which, Superintendent Jordan presented an up to date presentation of the proposed K-8 project. His presentation included proposed siting and the rationale for the proposed site. Board members reminded the audience that an earlier attempt at building a new regional middle school was rejected and all major building projects were put on hold. Additionally, board members explained, all major building projects languished for over a year while a state-mandated study was conducted that required an earlier board review of the feasibility of joining another school district to build a consolidated High School. At that time, after lengthy review, it was decided that no adjoining or neighboring school district was ready to move forward with a new regional high school, so discussion returned for the need of new primary and middle schools. After that brief historical perspective was shared, Garland selectmen were invited to ask questions of the presenters and board members.
This information presented by SAD 46

This transcription preserves the punctuation, capitalization, and syntax of the original.

Commentary on this remarkable document will follow in a separate posting.


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