Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, April 28, 2006

High School Administration Cops an Attitude

Parents of high school students received a letter from the school in the last couple of days regarding math instruction being offered this summer (image at right, click -- or double-click -- to enlarge). You can read it for yourself. It's a small document, but it reveals a great deal about your schools, about how they're run, and about the people who run them.

"The Staff ... is proud to announce..."?? Actually, they're announcing a remedial program that exists because parents and community members pushed hard to do something about a math program that was failing our students. Gerry Rudmin of the Board deserves credit for playing a key role, but without parent attendance at multiple meetings, the math program would likely not have changed and this summer program to try to catch students up would not have been offered.

So why the attitude? Putting it more bluntly, school personnel screwed up and now are "“proud"? Isn'’t this a peculiar stance? "...student enhancement in mathematics"?? No. This is euphemism, a cover-up, for a failure to teach the necessary material the first time through.

"Classes will be filled on a first come first served basis with all others put on a waiting list."” Wasn't there an understanding that these classes were to be available to all students? The school created the need for this summer session by doing such a poor job. Isn'’t there an obligation (ethical and educational) to help all students get back to where they should be?

The school is required to fix the problem they created. (Wouldn'’t it be considerate of those who failed our students the first time through to forgo compensation? What do you suppose are the chances of that?)

"I,___________________, want to be considered…" Just more condescension, just a hint that maybe your child won"’t be found acceptable for participation.

This letter is an exercise in newspeak, where words mean the opposite of what they ordinarily do. So the staff is "proud" of failure. Remediation is "enhancement." Why do they speak and act this way? Because they resent having to offer this program; most of all, they don"’t want to be responsive to the community. We should instead be humble, and grateful for the opportunities they deign to offer!

Your comments are welcome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My child has been "burned" by the present math program. I want to ask the following questions about Dexter High School's Math "Enhancement" Program:

1. What curriculum method is going to be used...what text?

2. How much ground is this course expected to cover? Is it remedial or does it meet some other criteria such as targeting the areas missed by the current program?

3. Is this designed for present 9th graders going into 10th grade or for present 10th grade going into 11th?

4. Why are the two ares of study, Geometry and Algebra presented in such a way as to force a choice?

5. Which one is more important if my child recieved inadequate teaching in both?

6. What happens to those who fail to be considered and have to be "put on a waiting list"?!!

7. Who is teaching the course and with what oversight? What approach is he trained in?

8. Can I obtain a voucher from the school for a course taught elsewhere that I feel will be more competent?

9. Who do I call with all of my questions? I think that there is no one who can or will answer them and that they are all hoping that no one will put them on the spot.

4/28/2006 05:04:00 PM  

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