Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Thursday, May 04, 2006

"Should have Settled Up With Dennis Blaine"

Another interesting aspect of last night's meeting was what was said and not said about the projected K-8 school project.

In the report from the "Facilities/Transportation/Construction Committee," Shawn Lancaster stated that the committee didn't meet last month, then deferred to the superintendent to report on a couple of other meetings. These were the meeting with Garland selectmen ("wonderful questions") and with Garland (and Exeter) parents about space needs at Garland ("wonderful conversation"). The "F/T/C" committee will meet next Wednesday night to discuss the Garland School space situation.

In public participation, a Garland resident related a conversation with Horace (Hod) McKenny. Hod, referring to the amount of site work needed on the Fern property*, said "it's probably going to cost them" a lot. "Should have settled up with Dennis Blaine" for his property. [Quotes are from Garland resident, quoting Hod.]

Late in the meeting the superintendent recounted an April 9 meeting at the Department of Education between Scott Brown** and others and himself (Kevin Jordan), John Parola, and Shawn Lancaster. Their evaluations: KJ "wonderful meeting, great questions," SL "very productive," JP "intense." They [the DOE people] "gave us work to do." There's also work for Stephen Blatt (the architect) and his site engineers (DeLuca-Hoffman) to do.

The bus keeps rolling.

* and perhaps on the Route 94/Fern Road intersection and on the Fern Road?
** Scott Brown oversees school construction projects for the DOE


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