Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Saturday, October 28, 2006

"...public decisions that should not be made in private"

The following letter appears in today's Eastern Gazette. It is a (slightly) revised version of this earlier post.

The Eastern Gazette
P.O. Box 306
Dexter, ME 04939

To the Editor,

You can'’t believe everything that you hear, but there are times when you remember hearing something you should have believed.

Not too long ago, and on separate occasions, I was told by reliable sources, that there are considerations being discussed by the Superintendent for possible uses of the $362,000.00 architect'’s fees which could be reimbursed to MSAD #46 upon a positive vote for the new school project. The dollars represent the costs incurred by the District in the studies, and related site and concept planning, leading up to referendum vote for a new k-8 school. These funds were provided by the voters of MSAD #46 over the last several budget cycles.

Some of the alleged "“dreams"” include the retention of the Abbott Hill site and the creation of an additional high school athletic field complex, new athletic equipment, bleachers for various sports, perhaps even lighting for one or more high school athletic fields; so on September 26th, I sent Mr. Jordan the following questions by email:

  • Will the reimbursed funds be used exclusively for the new school project?
  • Will the reimbursed funds be returned to the District taxpayers?
  • Are there any discussions about using these reimbursed funds for other District projects?

He responded on October 4th, "“We have a meeting later this month with the Financial Department of Major School Construction Projects. Scott Brown has indicated that each project is somewhat unique depending on state share, local share, total project costs, etc. At that meeting we will begin to look at how the financial aspect of this project, including architectural reimbursements, will work for SAD #46. The school board has not discussed reimbursed funds waiting until we have more information from the DOE".

My purpose for sharing this information with you is simple. I believe that the $362,000.00 belongs to the citizens of MSAD #46 and was authorized by them for the expressed use in the preparation for the new school project. If there is a successful referendum and subsequent reimbursement of these funds, it should be first used to offset any additional local costs for the site acquisition, or any other voter approved new school local cost. Any remaining reimbursement should be returned to the communities in reductions of the local share of the District's assessments in the subsequent budget.

These are public decisions that should not be made in private. I urge you to make your opinions known while there is still time to influence the outcome.

Arthur Jette



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. I read this in the Gazette.

10/29/2006 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Maybe it's time to turn your attention to the district that you now reside in (Cambridge). I'm sure they would enjoy your vindictive ways & know it all attitude. Good luck in SAD#4 Paul Stearns will enjoy your company.

10/30/2006 08:19:00 AM  
Blogger Art said...

To anonymous, who would like me to turn my attention to SAD #4:

Mr. Paul Stearns is an honorable and effective school leader, in my opinion, based on my observations while I served with him on the Tri-County Technical Center Regional Council.

He and the school system he represents are worthy of respect.

You, on the other hand, are not.

10/30/2006 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a known fact that Mr. Stearns does not share the same warm & fuzzy feelings for you that you express for him. As a matter of fact, he s hoping you stay focused on Dexter and stay out of SAD#4's business.

10/31/2006 08:41:00 AM  
Blogger PP said...

I've decided to publish this comment, but with some reluctance. I don't know what Mr. Stearns feels or hopes; I doubt "Anonymous" does either.

In any case, it seems hardly fair to Mr. Stearns to speculate on his (unknown) state of mind. We all know that this sort of hearsay is, rightly, viewed with a great deal of skepticism.

Why publish it then? Maybe to reveal this post by this particular "Anonymous" -- no aspersions are intended toward other anonymous commenters -- as a troll.

10/31/2006 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In his response to Mr. Jette's question about the reimbursed funds, Superintendent Kevin Jordan states that a meeting with the Department of Education's Scott Brown was scheduled for "later this month" (Oct.); does anyone know what the outcome of that meeting was?
When will we be given any further information about the project?

11/09/2006 12:14:00 PM  

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