Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, May 05, 2006

Want Coffee With That?

Good morning! For breakfast this morning, we're serving a variety of tasty bits and bobs from Wednesday's School Board meeting. You can make a meal from any one of them, or just "graze." There's something here for every appetite.

The Superintendent, John Parola, and Shawn Lancaster meet again with Scott Brown & co. on Tuesday (May 9) at the DOE. Don't know if Steve Blatt was at their last meeting, or will be at this one.

The Teacher's Association has asked to meet with the Board's Negotiations Committee. The Superintendent is preparing an agenda.

The Negotiations Committee will bring an item concerning non-represented employee compensation to the Board's June 7 regular meeting. This concerns married couples' insurance premiums.

There's a (as-yet-unpublicized-elsewhere) Special Board Meeting next Tuesday, May 9, to approve a non-exclusive contract with the Harmony School District for tuitioning their high school students. The Board will then sign warrants to put this item before the voters (yippee!) at the June 13 referendum.
Update Friday afternoon: Agenda now up here. Unfortunate that the monetary terms (i.e., how the tuition rate is to be determined) of this contract aren't yet disclosed.

The high school math teachers are going to a professional development opportunity on Agile Mind on Friday, May 19. AM is a "canned" computer-based program and the principal mode of instruction for the DRHS "summer school program for student enhancement in mathematics" referred to here. (This site will offer another discussion on the high school math situation soon.)

The Facilities... Committee will meet next Wednesday night (7 pm, Superintendent's Office) to discuss solutions to the Garland/Exeter space needs questions. (It's a novel idea perhaps, but interested citizens might attend.)

Stop by tomorrow for the blue plate special!


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