Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Monday, May 08, 2006

We Want Your Vote!

You'll see a couple of changes in the sidebar to your left.

The most prominent is the addition of a poll. This week we're asking which grades should be in a new school. Tell us if you want it to hold kindergarten through 8th grade, or just 5th through 8th grades. And do you want Garland and Exeter schools closed, or should they retain their role? Yes, this pre-supposes a new school.

Or does it? It asks a really basic question: what should the grouping of students be? The answer to this question may or may not imply a new building at a new site. How are you inclined?

Of course this poll isn't scientific, and it's not binding on anyone, but it might give some indication of how a number of people feel. Vote in the poll (you can only vote once!). Check back to see how others are voting. We'll leave it up for a week. At the end we'll summarize the results. If this experiment works, we'll have a new poll question next week.

You're also welcome to email us (see link in sidebar, left) or comment below on this experiment. What question should we ask next week?

As well, we've added a "Recent Comments" section to the sidebar. At a glance you can see whether there's been activity and click directly to the posts that have been commented on most recently.

These changes are both experiments and we'll have to see how they work. Their intent is to make the page a bit more user-lively! Feedback is appreciated!


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