Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, July 21, 2006

Another Meeting, More Questions

Conceptual Site Plan, Fern Road to the right (double-click to enlarge)
At a poorly-attended (no surprise) meeting last night, about 42 souls (fewer than at the Garland meeting) asked more questions and endured some real tall tales and whoppers. Of those attending, about a quarter had also been at the Garland meeting. About a third were school employees and their spouses. Very little effort had been made by the District to advertise the meetings.

Here are some of the questions asked:

  • There are four fall sports (football, field hockey, boys and girls soccer). Is that field going to accommodate all of them?
  • If you need to "loop" the water, do you have access to Mechanic Street?
  • If you have space for the busses out back [of the proposed school] can you close the bus garage?
  • What does the School Board do if the votes fail?
  • Who pays for the paving on the Fern Road?
  • [from a Board member] The sewer line up the Fern Road -- who owns it, the District or the Utility District?
  • What's the bottom line [financially]?
  • Is the $142,000 [for property purchases] a real number today? A year from now?
  • Do you have more than one entrance? How many hydrants?
  • Will the Fire Department use the other end of the Fern Road to get to the school?
  • Has there been a traffic study on the upper 7/10s of the Fern Road to study the impact of excess traffic?
  • How many acres is the present Dexter Middle School site? How many acres is the present high school?
  • The site acquisition costs -- are they market value?
  • How many middle school children will be bussed who aren't now?
  • Will sidewalks be provided?
  • How will this property [Dexter Middle School] be used?
The meeting concluded at 8:15. To date, approximately three hours of public discussion regarding the new school project have taken place under Mr. Jordan's tenure. The decision on the proposed site is scheduled for July 27, 2006, by "straw vote." Let's hope that a better effort is made to notify the voters of MSAD #46 this time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poorly publicized???? It was in the Hometown Advantage, there were fliers everywhere, the whole town wasw talking about it and anyone who looks on here knew it was happening, what more did you want- banners flown over town? I am sure that there will be major turn out next week- several people I know will be going who did not go to the informational meeting becasue they already knew enough information by talking with Mr. Jordan and board members.

7/21/2006 09:33:00 PM  

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