Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Monday, September 18, 2006

"Lost Time is Not Found Again"

At the Project Timeline page (here), you'll see these "cells" in the timeline chart:


  • DOE Construction Subcommittee: Concept Design
  • Second Public Hearing/Straw Poll: Concept Design
  • State Board: Concept Approval

May I mention, ever so quietly, that it's now September 18? October is coming up soon.

Let's try to plot this out.

Step 1. DOE Construction Subcommittee: Concept Design: This presumably, is a meeting with Scott Brown, Dale Doughty, and Paul Johnson (I haven't been able to find a listing of committee members at the DOE web site). This needs to occur before the State Board of Education Meeting. In fact, this page tells us that the DOE Construction Subcommittee meets on Monday, October 2.

Step 2. Second Public Hearing/Straw Poll: Concept Design: This needs to occur before the State Board meeting, as outlined in Maine Rules, Chapter 61*. Since there would be little point in "testing" the concept with the public if the concept design hadn't first had a preliminary screening by the DOE, we can figure that the Hearing/Straw Vote occurs after step 1 above, but (necessarily) before step 3 below, the State Board of Education meeting.

Step 3. State Board: Concept Approval: The State Board meets on October 11, according to the State Board calendar page (here).

Here's what the above sequence suggests: Given that the State Board meets on Wednesday, October 11, probably the most likely time for a straw vote is the prior week, the week of October 1, perhaps especially so since Monday the 9th is a holiday.

If the Straw Vote Meeting were announced this week, the week of September 17, there would therefore be about two weeks notice of the meeting. Incidentally, the MSAD #46 School Board meets on Wednesday, October 4.

My guess is the Straw Vote will be on Thursday, October 5; second-most likely date is Tuesday, October 10!

On such a short time frame, you can bet that the next couple weeks will busy for all of you loyal readers. After all, the District will be getting out a lot of information to help you with your decision-making. Keep watching "Voters" and also "Check back often as we will be adding more content as soon as it becomes available."

(How likely is it that this will really happen? Is the published timeline realistic? Accurate?)

*from Maine Rules, Chapter 61(State Board Of Education Rules For Major Capital School Construction Projects), Section 6, 2B (p. 13) -- link here
B. Concept Approval ‚– The State Board will consider Concept Approvals at any of its regularly scheduled meetings based on the recommendations of the Commissioner. Concept Approval will be considered following Site Approval. Prior to consideration by the State Board for Concept Approval, the school administrative unit shall provide to the Department a conceptual presentation of a proposed solution and conduct a second public meeting, prior to the State Board Concept Approval meeting, to present the same information to its public as it will to the State Board. There shall be a straw vote and the results must be reported to the State Board. The proposal shall include a projected preliminary budget that shall be the maximum total allowable budget for the project. The state/local share approved for inclusion for debt service at Concept Approval may not be exceeded without State Board approval and a subsequent local favorable referendum. If the State Board approves the recommendation for Concept Approval, the Department will issue a Certificate of Concept Approval to the school administrative unit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The School thinks the whole deal is in the bag. They don't need to inform anybody about anything!

It's amazng, but our kids are taught in an institution that has no respect for democracy. Democracy is for losers!

9/19/2006 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to see a great school web page with more information then you can think of, see the Colorado Springs, Colorado District 11 web page. My daughter moved to Colorado Springs earlier this year. It shows what a school district can do if it wants to! The link to the web site is at

9/21/2006 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its amazing that Colorado could do all that with the tax cap (tabor).

I guess things with tabor might not be as bad as the pundits suggest!

9/22/2006 11:37:00 AM  

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