Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Foul! District Rigs Vote!

(Click twice to enlarge)

Is tonight's meeting by invitation only?

Did you receive this mailing?

Probably not, unless you're a "resident employee."

Note to employees: If you're a "resident employee" you were specifically invited to tonight's meeting. Taxpayer money was spent to get you to the meeting. Do you suppose they expect you, as a "resident employee", to vote any particular way? How do you feel about this?

As detailed elsewhere on this site,there's been very little publicity for the informational hearings and particularly for tonight's straw vote. In other words, the average citizen has received damned little notice of the meetings (and damned little information to boot). Now we see that this lack of publicity, far from being due to sloppiness or a lackidaisical approach, is in fact calculated, deliberate, and part of a plan to get only the "right people" to the straw vote tonight.

In the post linked to above (and here),we dismissed the question of whether the District leadership is incompetent -- or worse -- as unimportant. After all, the net effect is the same -- or so we argued there.

We're rethinking that issue. This mailing is proof of a blatant disregard for citizens and cynicism about the democratic process. The public's right to be informed has to be respected to the same degree as that of "resident employees."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me see if I understand your point. You are upset because the Supt. sent out a letter inviting the districts employees to Thursday's straw vote, but didn't send a letter to every resident. If I'm correct, I have seen information in the Bangor paper, the Gazette, the Rolling Thunder, and the Observer. There has been a least two public meetings also. It appears that you are upset because of the real possibility that the vote will be positive (in favor of the Fern site). You dedicate your time efforts and energy to this blog site (in an effort to sway public opinion your way, or to humiliate and intimidate others)Don't get mad or angry and cry foul just because someone is asking for people to attend this meeting (your point of view may still win). Haven't you and your twin brothers (Jim & Art) been rounding up supporters for your point of view. Once again your true colors are showing. As chairman, you were part of many letters encouraging the districts employees to vote. Stop being such a hypocrite!

7/27/2006 03:02:00 PM  
Blogger PP said...

If you set aside the venom and the fabrications*, our courageous friend is saying that the Superintendent's letter represents a legitimate tactic.

It does not, and it endangers the ultimate outcome of the whole new school effort.

Why would such a letter be necessary? Didn't "resident employees" have access to the same info that we did?

Our friend also implies that our present chair may have okayed this letter. I doubt it.

Hope to see you at the meeting, anonymous! Will you be wearing your "Hello. I'm Anonymous" nametag?

*Taking one: I never signed such a letter, I was never asked to, and I was not aware of any such letters. If I were aware of such a letter, I would attempt to stop it -- obviously.

7/27/2006 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a "resident employee" and I did NOT receive one of these letters. Apparently no everyone got one. I got my information about the meeting from the Bangor Daily News as I'm sure others did.

7/28/2006 07:37:00 AM  

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