Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, July 07, 2006

Is It True What They Say About Margaret?

Actually, a lot of what is said about Margaret Veazie isn't true. Unfortunately, she herself might just be the source of the misapprehensions that seem to surround her.

Read this story by Jessica Bloch in yesterday's Bangor Daily News.

"Last winter the school board voted to name the field hockey field after Veazie."

Not true. There doesn't appear to be any record of such a vote taken by the Board of MSAD #46. As a matter of fact, in December 2005 the Board was presented with a request to name the field for Veazie's sake, but the request was referred to the Facilities and Transportation Committee for further review, where it seems to have died quietly.

Apparently there are two sources for the BDN story, Margaret Veazie and Superintendent Kevin Jordan, and we can only speculate on where this misapprehension might have arisen.

The article includes a glimpse into the intrigue surrounding attempts to influence the filling of the Middle School field hockey coaching position, Margaret's daughter as a candidate for the position- - - or not, and Margaret's threat to leave. According to the article, Margaret Veazie said the school worked out a compromise and offered her daughter a part time position.

Who's in charge anyway?

"I wasn't trying to get her a job coaching....If she wasn't going to be here, I wasn't going to be here."

For your own sake read the whole article. Some will find it truly breathtaking. I find the attitude toward the Board, and toward the administration to be insulting. I also think that this behavior provides a poor role model for the young ladies she professes to be concerned with.

But if people won't even recognize when they're being run over roughshod in a stampede, then there's no point in being concerned on their behalf, is there?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Margaret is an amazing teacher, coach and mentor to the children of this district. She models to girls that it is okay to be a strong, outspoken woman in a system full of what you call “Good ole boys”. Her record alone speaks volumes about what she does for the students in this community; however, they do not show all the other things she does behind the scenes. Did you go to either of the dance productions that her class put on this year? Or go see the amazing way she turned the gymnasium into a ballroom for the prom? Or perhaps try to poke your head into her office or gym at any given moment of the day and see kids lined up to talk to her- whether they need a good job, a hug, a word of encouragement or a kick in the pants- she is one of the first ones that they turn to.
Many who speak ill of Margaret, either do not know her or do not understand the love and dedication that drives her. As a parent of daughters who play field hockey- I can think of no one who I would prefer as a role model for them. She exemplifies self-assurance and a determination that few can compare to.

7/07/2006 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that a lot of what is insinuated in your writing about Margaret, and the article, is not true. What you stated, the things that you put into quotes come from Jessica Block, not Margaret. I think that Jessica took many things out of context, as did you, and it comes across differently than intended. My suggestion is that before you insinuate something, please check out from either Margaret or Jessica just exactly what was said, what was implied and what was intended.
---- --------'s daughter, a delightful high school student, plays for Margaret. I think that if she were asked about the vigor, honesty and love that comes from that woman, she will concur that it is well received. Just because Margaret stands up for her team and what is right for the students, doesn't make her a bad role model. I'm sure that if you speak to her, you will find that is the only thing that is important to her. "What is for the good of the kids and the team," to quote her, is all that matters.

You might not post this, and that is really OK. My point is to make sure that you know the facts if you want to make somebody look bad. Otherwise, it only does the reverse. Those of us that know what happened really wonder why anyone is making a big, negative deal about having a great coach back doing what she does best: Making our young women better, stronger people who understand that along with hard work comes success. What else would we want?

Note: This comment from DeeDee was edited to protect the identity of a child. Art

7/07/2006 06:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Margaret IS one of the "good ole boys". Anonymous needs to take a good look behind the scenes to see what really goes on.
Even "anonymous" sees that there are MANY who don't trust Margaret's intentions, though many of us have long ago seen her determination to get her way at any cost.
As a parent of a former student, I say thank you DeeDee........for leaving.

7/08/2006 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the article. I don't agree with Art about a lot of things. But in his defense here he didnt write the article. He isnt quoted. It looks like Mrs. Veazie said if you want me as a coach you better hire my daughter. I think its too bad. Whether she was misquoted or not thats what the article looks like she said. However the article was meaning to be written her daughters employment with the school will always look like its because of her mother. Her daughter has been an outstanding scholar and athlete. She probably would be hired by any school district based on her own academic record. But now she'll have to carry this baggage for a few years.

7/08/2006 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I think that Jessica took many things out of context, as did you, and it comes across differently than intended."

I think that MV contacted the reporter, blabbed the same stuff she'd already blabbed around town, and now's unhappy that it isn't playing well!

It's okay. It'll blow over. She sure has us all pegged!

7/09/2006 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said..."however, they do not show all the other things she does behind the scenes."

Would that be manipulation, dishonesty, criticism, self-importance, just to name a few?
It sounds like "anonymous" is just one more from a long list of "schmoozers." Yes, Veazie does do alot for the school & students (no one else seems to be stepping up to these tasks), but it's certainly not without its own perks for her. And for those of us who REALLY know her, it's definitely not love & dedication that drives her!

It's her facade that speaks volumes. :)

7/10/2006 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She does have alot of people fooled, doesn't she? "Get over yourself, Mrs. Veazie"...and the same goes for you "D-D."

7/10/2006 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that when Margaret Veazie is mentioned, everyone comes out of the woodwork to put her down? This woman does more for this school district and this town then almost any other person I know. And when did the subject of this article get all but forgotten? Didn't anyone really read what the article said - that the school district didn't even give Kristy an interview???? Here's a girl who was a straight A student all through school and is one of the nicest people you could ever meet. She was the state scoring leader in high school field hockey, a finalist for Miss Maine Field Hockey, played in an NCAA National Final, and was an All American in high school and in college in field hockey - and she can't even get an interview for a B-Team field hockey position in a middle school??? Isn't there something wrong with this picture??? That's all Margaret wanted, was a chance to get her daughter into a program that she has spent so many hours building - so that this program won't die when she is gone! This school district had a chance to get a fantastic coach and teacher working with your children - isn't that what you want for your children - the very best? Why wouldn't Margaret want such a quality person in her program? And why would Margaret want to stay and put more work into the program after such an insult? Programs don't just happen overnight - Margaret has worked for years putting hours into this program. These girls have been playing field hockey since they were little - with Margaret leading the way at that level too - and have worked hard. If you know anything about high school sports, you know that in order to compete and win state championships today, you have to build a program. She doesn't want to see it go by the wayside and all of her hard work lost. Just look at all the good things that it has brought into the players lives. For those of you who have never had a part in a championship, it's an overwhelming experience that her players will never forget. These kids learn so much from it all, much more than just field hockey itself. Kids have been able to do things that they never would have been able to experience because of Margaret. What else is there in this town for kids - certainly nothing like this! Most people don't know the half of what Margaret does. All you see is your babies getting yelled at sometimes - and most of the time being put in their place. But do you ever see the love that she gives these kids after she's done yelling at them? And believe me, there's a lot more love than there is yelling. Yes, Margaret is demanding, but what she is doing is getting every little bit possible out of your child to make them the best that they can be. And we're all upset about that???? Rather than sit there and complain about what you've probably only heard about Margaret, why don't you actually show up at some of her productions and see what we are all talking about. You'll never see a prom put on like she does it - even in a big city. She works on these proms until she can hardly crawl - and that's no lie. I've seen her totally exhausted several times. She started it back when her kids were in middle school and is still at it! She gets maybe a handful of parents to help her each year, but she continues on for the kids. What she has given your children is amazing. Do you have any idea how many hours she puts into field hockey alone? It's not only the time of she puts in for practice and games, but it's the scavenger hunts, the trips to the mall, the parties, all the hours for homecoming - those wonderful floats just don't appear by themselves! Maybe you will all change your minds when Margaret has finally had enough of you all and leaves - and believe me, neither she or Kristy will have any problem getting a job anywhere - people are just waiting for them to be available. For the record, no Margaret did not call the reporter - the reporter called her - and she did not go blabbing things around town that were not true. There is much more to this story that was not printed and you all don't know - Margaret was simply answering questions that she had been asked. I think it's time this web site started getting the facts before they start something like this - look at all the damage you've done to Margaret already. She doesn't deserve this and shame on you all for taking her down in this manner.

7/10/2006 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristy IS a great girl and should have at least gotten an interview for the B-team FH position. She WOULD have brought alot to the program, but unfortunately (because of her mother) she now has that dark cloud hanging over her head. Any school will be very fortunate to have her come aboard. This isn't just about what Mrs. Veazie has done for the school & its students, it goes much deeper than that. Actions really DO speak louder than words.

7/11/2006 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "very best"...please...get real! Many of us who don't even have kids on her team have sat back and witnessed her in action, and it wasn't pretty.

It's too bad, 'cause it sure looks like her daughter is suffering for it. She would be such an asset to that team.

7/11/2006 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like another case of sour grapes. You know, sometimes we have to accept that things are not always going to work out in our favor, no matter what we do.

On a more positive note, I'm looking forward to a good field hockey season. Go Tigers!!!

7/11/2006 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if anonymous is Mrs. Veazie?

7/13/2006 12:53:00 AM  

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