Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, June 30, 2006

Push for Site Approval is On!

Link to source

An article in today's BDN announces the beginning of the campaign for site approval for the school project, including the first official announcement of dates and times of the information hearings and the date and time for the actual straw vote. (Remember, loyal readers, you heard it here first, 8 days ago!)

The article contains little new information and some misinformation. Actually, there are only two new "facts," namely that the State will pay $44,250 of the land costs, which total $187,000.

Implied but not articulated, then, are the following "facts":
  • The local share of land costs is $142,750
  • Given a figure of $150,000 for the 48-acre Fern property (we don't now know all the terms of the purchase option agreement and there may be other undisclosed agreements), the rest of the land is costing $37,000. We don't know if this $37,000 is for the approximately one-fifth acre "Zabel" site only, or whether the District has reached an agreement with McKenny for his approximately 200 square feet, both parcels proximate to the intersection with Route 94.*
Read the whole BDN article here.

*These actions were authorized in the extraordinary actions of Item K in the School Board meeting of April 5, in which the Board, among other actions, voted to "enter into a purchase option agreement with Horace McKenny or to take whatever legal steps necessary to acquire +/- 200 square feet of land..." Minutes (p. 3) here and here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mel,

Too bad you didnt spend as much time taking care of Board business when you were the Chair as you do now as a disgruntled "former Chair"

This Board is trying everything they can to get our kids and staff into a new building, let'em do it!

If it fails on a vote of the people, so be it. But stop trying to rake up some muck that the majority of the people dont care about.

We dont need your superior intelligence to help us think and make our own decisions!

6/30/2006 12:33:00 PM  
Blogger PP said...

Nice to have you as a reader, Mike.

Thanks for adding to the dialogue!

6/30/2006 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to disagree with Mr. McCormick's comments regarding Mel's preparation and work as chair. I don't believe there was anyone more dedicated to the chair or more prepared. He spent countless hours researching and educating himself on the various business and topics that the school board addresses. I believe our district was well served by Mel Johnson as a board member and chairman.

6/30/2006 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too bad he quit. He has a lot to offer.

6/30/2006 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great thanks goes out to Mel and Art for at the very least trying to keep the public informed of what is coming up and what is going on, unlike our current school board and superintendant.

What is everyone afraid of, give the public the information on the new school site and lets us make up our own minds, most of us are well educated people and all we are asking for is information.

7/02/2006 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you asked any school board member for information? Have you called the Superintendent's office? I've asked board members my questions, and had them answered. I called the superintendent's office a couple of times and had very good conversations with the superintendent. He answered my questions with cordiality and thanked me for my interest.

7/03/2006 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephen Blatt, the architect hired several years ago for the new school project, is on the agenda for the Board meeting on Wednesday. I believe he will be giving an update to the Board as a whole at the regularly scheduled monthly meeting.

7/03/2006 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I have asked my questions to board members and the superintendant and nobody has responded to my questions. I asked them curtiously and politely.

Since I have not gotten any responses I will ask them here.

1. Is the main entrance to the new school site going to be on the Fern Road?

2. Will public water and/or sewer be run down the Fern Road and will existing Fern Road residences (that already have private wells and septics) be required to connect to the public water and or sewer. I hope not since within the last 5 years I have paid $8,000 for my private system.

Maybe here I will get my questions answered. All I am looking for is information that will affect my home as an abutting property owner to the new school site.


7/03/2006 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where you are getting that the school board is unwilling to share information with the public. I recently had a school board member knock on my door to encourage me get involved in the "new school project" and to answer any questions that I may have. It doesn't get anymore "grass roots" than that. Since that time, I have contacted this board member several times with questions about the site selection process and the advantages and disadvantages of the Fern Road site. My questions were answered promptly, honestly and in depth. I encourage anyone that would like more information to contact a school board member with their questions and concerns (you've been kind enough to provide contact information for all the board members).

Please do not presume to represent the masses with your opinions that seem like more than anything "sour grapes". There are many, many of us that support the school board's efforts and view the school board members as our neighbors and friends that want the best for our school system and communities and are not looking to "pull the wool over our eyes". These board members have children that are currently attending schools in SAD#46, will be attending in the near future and have children that have graduated from DRHS. They are not only school board members, but parents. We, as residents, need to take the responsibility of educating ourselves so that we are able to make informed decisions.

It is very sad that my children may suffer because you are trying to disrupt the school board from doing the job that they were elected to do! Our communities deserve this new school and the advantages and opportunities that it will bring.

I respect your right to voice your opinion, but please remember that yours is not the only opinion that counts.

7/07/2006 12:30:00 PM  

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