Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Saturday, June 24, 2006

EG Letter: "...secret ballot can be easily accommodated"

This letter appears in today's Eastern Gazette.

June 21, 2006

To the Editor,

At the June 13th MSAD #46 District Referendum the voters rejected two items; Question 6, Board of Directors Expenses, and Question 7, Principals’ Expenses. It should be noted that the yellow Budget Summary included in the School Budget Report had an entire paragraph devoted to an explanation of the Principals’ Expenses, so it can be concluded that indeed, as voters, we understood what we were voting on. At their June 14th meeting the School Board voted unanimously to direct the Superintendent to call a District Budget Meeting to dispense with the rejected Questions 6 and 7. There was no discussion as to any revisions or modifications to the original proposals.

In a recent Letter to the Editor, Bangor Daily News, June 20, 2006, Steve Burleson of Camden wrote of his observation of our referendum. “A peculiar feature of our referendum process raised its ugly head again recently. Voters turned down a measure. Do the sponsors of the proposal revise it? No, they schedule another vote…. until they wear down the opposition….. This is wrong…It says simply, “We don’t care what the voters want.””

Prior to its adoption by the voters over a dozen years ago, I was personally opposed to the referendum process because I felt that it would minimize public discussion of school issues. As an active town meeting participant and long-time town meeting Moderator however, I believe in the peoples’ right to decide issues without intimidation or fear of reprisal, and have adopted the majority position on the matter. As Moderator I have observed that the voters truly appreciate the sanctity of privacy in voting their conscience on contentious issues. The leaders of our public institutions should be supportive of that right.

Since there are only two questions to be considered, a secret ballot (rather than a “show of hands”) can be easily accommodated, and would preserve the essence of the referendum process, allowing the public participation that these issues deserve.

As citizens we are proud of our right to vote. We are fighting overseas to guarantee others’ rights for the same privilege. I urge all voters of MSAD #46 to attend the June 29th District Budget Meeting to support the intent of the citizens and preserve the right to privacy in the exercise of voting. When we guarantee the free exercise of the right to vote, we guarantee that the decisions truly reflect the will of the people. Isn’t that what we want?

Arthur Jette
Garland, Maine

Used by permission of the author.


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