Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, June 23, 2006

District Budget Camps

On Wednesday, June 21st, the School Board voted to reduce the Board of Directors' Expenses account by $1673, in preparing a warrant for the June 29th District Budget Meeting. The voters of MSAD #46 turned down the Question 6 proposal at the June 13th District Referendum, making it necessary to return this issue back to the public for reconsideration. Those of you who joined me in rejecting the original proposal may have been angered by the fact that $5,000.00 had been budgeted for the hiring of a publicist to influence the upcoming new school project vote outcomes. Why should the public fund a campaign aimed clearly at itself?

The Board also has reduced the Principals' Expenses question by $10,896.00, no doubt reflecting more accurately the salary and benefit levels of the newly hired Assistant Principal/Athletic Director at DRHS, as well as the Principal at DMS/Exeter.

Although I appreciate the overture of a budget reduction in the warrant question for the upcoming District Meeting, I don't believe that the issue surrounding the rejection of the Board Expenses account has anything to do with money. If the voters were voting their pocketbooks, they'd have rejected much larger money questions.

I believe that the larger concern revolves around trust and confidence, and an objective review of the vote totals on the other questions, seems to verify that. In my opinion, the voters have indicated that they are dissatified with the performance of the Board in its attitude about the public's right to information, whether it be about a new school project, or the proposed hiring of a publicist, or the addition of new positions for which the taxpayers will be responsible. For many years now the voters have rejected the Principals' Expenses question, and it really is not about the money. Leaders in each of our schools must be able to inspire staff (staffers vote too) as well as lead by example. Parents express concerns about favoritism in classroom assignment, fairness in treatment of students, and the competence of administrators. All of these factors are being considered when we vote.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Straw vote defined: An unofficial vote or poll indicating the trend of opinion on a candidate or issue. Also called straw poll.

So if its unofficial does that mean the board can ignore the actual outcome? And make there own decisions?

6/29/2006 11:34:00 AM  

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