Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Have You Seen This Flyer?

I found the document to the right on the counter at the Garland Store last evening. Click twice to enlarge.

No one seems to claim responsibility for it.

Not a very auspicious beginning to the campaign to win the hearts and minds of the people...

Update 7/6: At last night's Board meeting Gerry Rudmin and John Parola were identified as the authors of this flyer. Odd that they thought they and the District -- because the flyer after all carries no identifying marks -- needed to remain anonymous! In the State of Maine, it is against the law for advocacy literature in a political campaign to not be identified as to origin. While that's not quite this situation, we can at least wonder why the authors and sponsors of such a piece would choose to hide their light under a bushel!


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