Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Citizens United Against Citizens

In a recent anti-TABOR radio commercial, former legislator, Town Manager, and longtime politician, Donald Strout of Corinth, makes a claim that had TABOR been in effect a decade ago, a police officer and ambulance attendant would have been cut from the Bucksport budget, as well as the entire library services in Brewer and also library services and curbside trash pick-up in Milo.

I always thought he was better than that. It is patently unfair to state categorically what would have happened without also conceding that the voters in those situations would have also had the opportunity, and the likelihood of voting to exceed the limits under TABOR.

Playing loosely with the facts does not enhance the debate over TABOR. It is instead, a smear on the reputations of those who engage in these tactics.

He’s right about one thing; the best solution IS Maine’s people, and THEY will decide on November 7th, in spite of the campaign by MMA and others to obscure the facts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Art. I too was disappointed with Don using his credentials to falsely state the consequences of TABOR. Sure, if TABOR passes and if the general premise of the law is carried forth with goodwill, there will be changes in the way we do things. And that, afterall, is the point!

11/04/2006 03:56:00 PM  
Blogger Art said...

Voters should react with disgust over the lies and misinformation being perpetrated by the opponents of TABOR.

It is shameless, for example that an AARP sponsored radio message uses the example of a fixed income grandparent, being forced to decide whether all her grandchildren will eat, or whether only half of them will eat, when they visit unexpectedly.

The opponents of TABOR will continue to use the peoples' resources, to protect their own special interest, without any regard for the truth.

11/05/2006 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was in the Rec. Dept. News in the November Primary News mailed home to the parents of students in the Dexter Elementary School:

"I am writing this letter to inform the citizens of Dexter how the Recreation Department will be affected if TABOR passes in November. Simply put, the Recreation Department will not exist and your children will have no programs if this bill passes. The town will have to cut over $100,000 from its current budget to meet the requirements of TABOR and those cuts will begin with the Recreation Department. It is unfortunate that the children will lose out on what they enjoy, but in the grand scheme of things, the town feels that the Recreation Department is not "essential" in its day-to-day operations. We must support police, fire and road maintenance before we have Recreation Department programs. I would never tell anyone how to vote on an issue, that is your own choice. I just want everyone to understand the ramifications of this bill and how it affects your children. Andy Conway Recreation Director."

Not only is it full of mistruth, but it should NO WAY have been allowed to be published in the school newsletter.

11/07/2006 06:35:00 PM  

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