Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Gazette Letter: "Local Control"

The following letter appears in today's issue of the Eastern Gazette.

To the Editor,

Ever since Governor Baldacci unveiled his school district consolidation plan there has been increasing attention to the issue of erosion of "“local control." Arguably, this is an old issue when it comes to public education, with its roots, I believe, in the trading off of local decisions in exchange of state and/or federal funds. It makes all the difference if you are "buying"” or "“selling"” the argument. The "“local control" consideration for me really boils down to which of the decisions are really local, and who do I want to control them.

On January 4, seventy-eight voters in Hermon, turned out to decide the fate of a $150,000 request from their local snowmobile club. In spite of the attempt by some to defer the action on the request until the next regular election, the question was "“called"” and the article passed in a 47-31 vote. Reaction to the news of the outcome was swift and at another special town meeting scheduled two weeks later (for consideration of a $400.000 tennis complex request) more than 300 residents turned out to overwhelmingly reject the tennis proposal by a vote of 236-85. In the meantime, the uproar over how and when special meetings are called prompted the snowmobile club to return the $150,000 that had been granted at the January 4 meeting. It seems to me that the voters in Hermon at least reclaimed their "“local control."”

Voters in SAD #46 will have the opportunity to exercise "“local control"” on February 1, 2007, in both the public hearing and "“straw"” vote on the Concept Plan of the school board'’s proposal to build a new, consolidated k-8 school on the Fern Road in Dexter. Unless the Concept Plan is defeated on that date, the new school referendum vote is being tentatively scheduled for March 27, 2007. If you are skeptical of the plan, or opposed to it outright, the public hearing will be the last real opportunity to affect the project design or scope.

Whether you are opposed to the entire consolidation concept, the location of the proposed school, have traffic or safety concerns or oppose the closings of your local Dexter Primary, Garland Elementary or Exeter School you are being called upon to exercise your control over the decisions being made. Maybe you support replacing the Dexter Middle School only. The district has consciously limited public forums to discuss the project, relying instead on its own schedule of committee meetings while referring citizens to its website which provides little if any current information.

If you are a registered voter of MSAD #46, please make the extra effort to exercise "“local control"” on February 1, 2007 at 7.00 P.M. by attending the Public Hearing and "“straw vote"” at the Dexter Middle School. Unless there has been a change of heart on the part of District leaders, the "“straw vote"” will be a written, secret ballot, as it was at the earlier Site Plan vote.

Arthur Jette


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a parent of a high school student, I received a letter from our principal Steven Bell last Friday.
The letter said " By now I hope you are aware it is now time for our last meeting and straw pole vote on the concept design of the building" Straw POLE?
Later in the letter he described the building features including design details to keep "one age group from overwhelming another"
Later in BOLD type "Next Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007 will be the straw pole vote." What's a straw POLE?
No doubt we need a new middle school. After reading the letter we need a new H.S. principal who can communicate too. With him setting the standards, our kids will always be disadvantaged.

1/29/2007 08:32:00 AM  

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