Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, January 19, 2007

They're Just Not That Into Informing You!

Unfortunately I was unable to attend last night's meeting of the Building Space Needs/Programming Sub-Committee. Could you please give us a report?

Oh, and the materials distributed to attendees? Could you scan them and send them to me so I can post them? Or, better yet, just point us all to the web address where they're available?

It was a public meeting, so I know this information must be readily available to the public. Oh, please help!


Blogger Art said...

In a conscious effort to keep information about the new school project to a minimum the school officials are actually discrediting themselves and their efforts. Although they (and their lackeys) continue to refer us to the site for information and recommend that we bookmark it they rarely add new information other than the obligatory press releases announcing the "second of three public votes"

With the cost to construct and furnish this school estimated to be $30+ million , you'd think there'd be more interest in sharing information with supporters of the plan as well as skeptics and opponents.

Take the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages as an example, are we to assume that there have been no other questions asked since the web page was created? Why aren't reports of the sub-committees available on the site? And the note that "All meetings are open to the public" is really a poor substitute for a public reporting of the workings of the various committees.

Obviously Mel, they really don't want to share that information you requested. After all, you'll just turn around and share it with the public anyway!

1/24/2007 10:13:00 PM  
Blogger Art said...

Someone up on the hill must be listening. The District's newschool site has been updated to reflect the topics of discussion (combination agenda and minutes) of the Jan. 11th and Jan. 18th meetings fo the Building Space/ Programming Needs subcommittee. Thanks for the memories.

Personnally I like to get the agenda BEFORE the meeting. It helps me decide whether I should attend if possible. Still it's better to eventually find out what's happened, so at least you know what opportunity you missed.

You can't change the past can you? Maybe you just get other chances.

I guess I'll go out and cut more firewood for LAST year!

1/26/2007 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


While your at it, why dont you get on the SAD 4 (Guilford) school Board for last year and maybe you can make decisions for their recent granting of $600,000 of renovation monies from the State and question why that happened too!

I only mention the SAD 4 School Board because that is the district you live in now.

You couldnt get what you wanted in SAD 46 so you moved on.

Why dont you try to get involved in their operations and leave the operations of your former district alone?

Hope last years firewood keeps you stewing!

1/26/2007 05:40:00 PM  
Blogger Art said...

You really should be more grown-up about this; your immaturity is only exceeded by your ignorance. Call me when you are ready for an adult conversation!

As an eleven year veteran of the SAD #46 School Board I have a lot yet to offer. It's too bad that you don't.

1/27/2007 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike is right, this blog is a waste of time. My friends and I only read it for its entertainemt value. We love to read Mel and Arts ramblings. Residents of Ripley, Dexter, and Exeter are lucky, they don't have to listen to "Larry" and "Moe" at the Garland town meetings! The straw vote was a land slide which will mirror the referundum vote.

See ya all at the referredum!
Can't wait for the new school!

What to do with the closed Garland School:

We can turn the Garland School into a senior and a rec center for the people of Garland. The closed Garland School would make a great town office. More room, and plenty of office space also. It would also make a great "Meeting House" for town function such as the Town Meeting. The cafeteria could be used to make meals for the Meals on Wheels organization and to help feed Garlands less fortunate. There could even be enough room left over to house a food pantry. Just think of the possibilities!

(Make sure I spelt everythin wright Art)

2/06/2007 09:12:00 AM  

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