Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Thursday, May 25, 2006

How Do I Leave a Comment?

Many people have been confused by the "“comments"” feature of this web site. What follows is our attempt to address some of the basics about comments.

First: Comments are anonymous. If you send us an e-mail, of course we know who sent it. Comments are different. I (Mel) moderate the comments; this means I see them first and decide whether to publish them. I do so without being able to see the identity of the writer. This anonymity is a feature of the software we use, Blogger, but it would also be our preference; anonymous is anonymous! The reason I moderate comments is purely to head off slander, libel, or vulgarity. I"ve only not published one comment, and it was because I felt it violated the anonymity of a third person. If you"’ve followed Voters” for a while you know that we let through even stuff that's pretty rough!

Second: Posting a comment can be a bit confusing. Here'’s the easiest way to do it:
  • Go to the post you wish to comment on.
  • At the bottom of the post click the cursor on the underlined text that looks like this: 0 comments. This will open a window that on the right contains a box.
  • Type your comment in the box.
  • Below the box, choose "Other"” or "Anonymous."” (If you choose "Other," you'’ll be prompted for a name. You can use your real name or a made-up moniker.)
  • Below this is a "word verification"” routine, where you view a distorted set of letters and type the letters in a box below. (This is a way of thwarting spammers from flooding our comments.)
  • Then click on "“Publish."” There'’s nothing more required of you. You're done.
You're welcome to experiment with the comment routine I've spelled out here on this post. Do so by commenting on this post; I won't publish comments on this particular post unless you include the phrase "Publish this!" in your comment!

This is the first in a series of posts we'll publish on the "mechanics"” of using this web site. We'’ll accumulate them in an FAQ ("“Frequently Asked Questions"”) post -- "Voters" FAQ -- that will be accessible from a link on the sidebar (left).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when they will be interviewing candidates for Steve Bell's old position or who some names floating around are?

Also, why is Coach Pratt not being rehired?

6/01/2006 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anybody have any idea if there are any preliminary drawings available for the public to review. I would hope if we're paying the architect what ever amount we are paying them. I haven't really been able to nail down a dollar figure, but there must be some preliminary designs somewhere. Also who was involved in selecting an architect for the design? Shouldn't it have been decided if the public wanted a new school before we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in architects fees?? Based on personal experience there are a lot of minor details that can significantly affect the cost of a school. Is there anybody on the board of directors that has any experience in reviewing a set of construction drawings and reading specifications. In order to ensure that if this school does happen to get approved that the district gets a finished product that is usable?

Also in regards to the rumored site location. How would locating the school farther away from the high school not increase the transportation and maintenance expenses.

6/05/2006 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How interesting! We're going to spend thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars on architects before this proposed new school is even accepted/passed by the public. Talk about over-confidence...and talk about money wasted...why not fix the math program that has been so screwed up for years. I guess some people believe that all our problems can be fixed with a new school.

6/07/2006 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Lots of public discussion under Mel's leadership of the Board when the math was changed to the crappy program they gave us in the high school. THERE WAS NO PUBLIC DISCUSSION. They just gave it to us!

6/08/2006 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't seem to find some blogs that were on here in past others are wondering whats up. have some been taken off for reasons that we don't know about.

7/30/2006 10:11:00 PM  
Blogger PP said...

All old posts and comments are still available.

See if this helps:"Voters" FAQ, Part 3: How Do I Search/Find Old Posts?

If you still can't find what you're looking for feel free to contact me -- or comment again.

8/01/2006 03:23:00 PM  

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