Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Monday, May 22, 2006

Poll Results: Pre-K in Trouble!

These results are pretty much self-explanatory. There's a strong feeling against pre-K, and against centralized pre-K. With discussion, it's possible the "no" votes might convert to grudging support for pre-K "close to home" -- in each town, but clearly pre-K is not a done deal. The poll numbers are small, but they may be representative of the larger population.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the results of this poll do not show anything. Pre-K is a good thing, and SAD 46 NEEDS to have this program. I am sure we all know children over the years that have gone to nursery school or pre-school...Right? Well, what is wrong with Pre-K? The only difference is the cost, and the location. Nursery school/Pre-School costs a lot of money and are located at a facility or a home. As we all know money is tight in this community. Pre-K on the other hand is free and located in the school. Pre-K would be part of the school budget. My 3 year old asks to go to nursery school weekly sometimes daily, and I have to sadly tell her, mommy does not have enough money. Telling a 3 year old No is hard enough, especially when it is something I wish she could go to. Next school year, at this rate, SAD 46 will not have a pre-k program, and I will be sending her to one of the SAD 48 pre-k programs. Having to drive my child to a neighboring school district to attend a Free program that will not only make her happy, but educate her at the same time reall upsets me. I know of 3 children who will be attending SAD 46 kindergarden this fall that are drove daily to a SAD 48 Pre-K. On the other hand, how many of you have actually been into the kindergarden classes in the past few years? I have, I have worked for the school, and done some sub. teaching. The level of children coming into kindergarden each year varies a lot. Some children do not know their names, know any colors, or even how to jump. Some children (who do not have a disibilty) can not even talk so you can understand him/her. These are all basic things a child should know prior to kindergarden. Having this lack of knowledge before entering school means, more teaching positions need to be added, speech and reading recovery etc. I do not see any reason why Pre-K should not be part of SAD 46? Can someone please fill me in??? You can add me on this list of parents driving to a neighboring school district for this great service. ~Very Concered Parent

6/06/2006 11:36:00 PM  

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