Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, June 02, 2006

Coffee Talk: A Miss is as Good as a Mile

Hi! How've you been? All of a sudden it's summer!

I made muffins this morning. That's what we'll call 'em anyway. A far cry from what my mother called muffins. In the old days muffins were a kind of bread; now they're more like a confection. You wonder what people like Brownie Schrumpf and Marjorie Standish would think of the modern-day muffin!

Have you ever run across a recipe that was missing something? You know, with important ingredients or steps left out, so you ended up being misled? The worst situation is to get the whole thing made only to discover that you've gone wrong.

A few of the items on that yellow budget summary seem awfully trivial; they don't add up to very much money. And then there's other things, like $160,000 that's being spent, without a word to the public! $160,000 is real money in my book! Why wouldn't it be in everyone's interest to be straightforward about the budget?

And did you catch this, that they're paying the architect, at least in part, out of a line that just happens to be about $160,000 that does show up in the budget. But it's called "purchase repair/maintenance services"!

The way things are now, people will be voting on something that's a pretty poor reflection of the reality of where the money's really being spent! Talk about a "failure to communicate." Failure is failure, if it's by a little or a lot!


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