Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, May 26, 2006

Coffee Talk: Biscuits and Budgets

Come on in! Kind of gray outside this morning, isn't it?

I've got biscuits this morning, and homemade jam, blackberry. You remember how good the berries were last summer?

Seems like my cooking gets more basic along toward the end of the month. The cupboard isn't so full, and I get back to cooking with simple ingredients, the ones I pretty much have on hand.

Have you heard anything about that budget meeting the other night? No surprises I guess. Soon enough it'll be all up to the voters. Wonder if they'll see anything to get excited about. One thing I thought was odd, though, in that flyer: not one word about the new school project. Hard to believe...

Have you been following the Belfast situation? Things seem to be coming apart. They just had another Board member leave, the Superintendent's been in the middle of a dust-up with the Board (they even had an interim for a while), they're a half-million in the hole, and the voters aren't allowing them to borrow their way out of trouble -- three "no" votes! The fur is flying! I guess the lawyers are finding plenty of work thereabouts. And now the State is going in to investigate! Wonder what they'll find -- I mean, that they don't already know!

The voters sure are clear enough. Reminds me of where we were not so many years ago...

What do I mean? I mean that when you lose the confidence of the voters, and you lose the confidence of the people who actually work for the system, there's a lot of damage done. You get down in a hole where everything starts coming apart. It's awfully hard to crawl out of that hole. It takes a long time to come back, years. Let's hope we never get to that point again...


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