Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Gazette Letter: "Were You Able to Decipher...?"

This letter appears in today's Eastern Gazette.

May 31, 2006

To the Editor,

Years ago, a very successful advertising campaign was based on the slogan “If you want to really get somebody’s attention; whisper.”

On May 24th, those who attended the MSAD #46 Budget Informational Meeting and Public Hearing were treated to a sample of the “deafening silence” when it came to Superintendent Jordan’s presentation of the 2006-2007 proposed budget. There was no whisper, for example, of any new school effort; and not a word about the $66,527.00 Instructional Leadership, Reading Recovery Teacher Leader district position. As a matter of fact, it was only in response to direct questioning by audience members that the following information was revealed.

We learned that approximately $160,000.00 of Revolving Renovation Funds was finally received by the district, though the news of this had never been shared with the public. Repairs to the north academic wing roof at the Dexter Regional High School are noted in the yellow Budget Summary insert to the Budget Report, but if this project is to be paid for with Revolving Renovation Funds [not out of the proposed budget] has the budget been inflated by the $161,925.00 Purchased Repair/Maintenance Services?

Were you able to decipher that the $5,378.00 increase on line 69 of the Budget Report, in the Board of Directors Expenses, is for the hiring of a part-time publicist for the new school project that wasn’t referred to? Apparently the why, how and who of this decision is not considered the public’s business. And what did you think of the Superintendent’s message to the residents and voters in the MSAD #46 School Budget Report? More “deafening silence.”

This year’s budget has grown by $509,797.00 of which $356,993.00 is salary increases. Don’t be fooled into believing that the Maine Legislature’s passage of L.D. 1381, which raised teachers' minimum salaries to $27,000.00, is the reason for the budget increase; since as we were told, only approximately $3,200.00 total will be required in 2006-2007 for compliance with the new law.

With teachers paying a greater share of their health insurance, health insurance costs will still rise by $39,539.00, while heating costs will grow by $48,136.00 and electricity will cost $24,261.00 more. Bus fuel increases amount to $11,299.00. Remember that these numbers are compared to last years BUDGET. We have no information regarding the actual expenses.

The obvious nature of secrecy is that eventually the facts are revealed. If you have questions about the cost or operation of your schools I urge you to call your Superintendent’s Office, 924-5262, or School Board members to respectfully address YOUR concerns, or go to to express your opinions.


Arthur Jette

Used by permission of the author


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