Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Letter to the Eastern Gazette

This letter appears in today's Eastern Gazette.

The Eastern Gazette
P.O. Box 306
Dexter, Maine 04930

June 7, 2006

To the Editor,

On June 13th the voters of MSAD #46 have the opportunity to be heard by those who are supposed to represent their interests. In spite of repeated attempts by some of us to get more information to the citizens, there continues to be a stone-walling on the part of the leadership of MSAD #46. The lack of public discussion related to the new school project has led to a questioning of the real intent of the Board and the Superintendent. The closest thing that we have to a vote of confidence is the District Budget Referendum.

If you believe that the direction and management of the schools is satisfactory, then you should vote yes on Question 5, Administrative (Superintendent’s) Expenses. If however you believe as I do, that we deserve greater openness, better access to important information, less cronyism, and more inspiring leadership, send your message by voting NO on Question 5, Administrative (Superintendent’s) Expenses.

If you believe that the current School Board is truly representative of your desires to provide a quality education for all students, vote yes on Question 6, Board of Directors Expenses. But if you are concerned about the lack of leadership, the failure to involve the citizens in the new school project, and “good old boys” behind the scenes decision making, or if you are concerned with the hiring practices and favoritism ratified by the Board, then make your statement and vote NO on Question 6, Board of Directors Expenses.

If you believe that the schools are being managed well by the Principals in all our schools then you should vote yes on Question 7, Principals’ Expenses. But if you believe as I do, that the citizens deserve principled school leaders who are respectful of students as well as staff, who are inspiring the best from the staff and students, who can lead by example and who put students’ interests ahead of their own personal convenience, ask yourself if that’s what we are getting now. If you have concerns about the direction of the schools, send a powerful message by voting NO on Question 7, Principals’ Expenses.

Question 19 authorizes the School Board to transfer funds provided the overall budget is not increased. The use of this provision however really increases the available budget for any account deemed underfunded by the majority of the Board of Directors. If you are comfortable with the information you have been receiving from the Board with respect to the budget and trust that this authority will not be misused, then vote yes on Question 19. If you are frustrated with spending priorities and the lack of public involvement allowed by this Board of Directors, if you desire more openness in the oversight of District operations, or distrust the accuracy of the budget, vote NO on Question 19, the 10% Transfer Authority.

Voting is a privilege and a personal responsibility that gives us the opportunity to express our opinions on matters that affect our daily lives. Whether we have children or not we all support the school system and have the right to expect it to reflect our values. There are few opportunities to send the system YOUR message. Remember to vote on Tuesday, June 13th, at the polling place in your community.


Arthur Jette
Garland, Maine

Used by permission of the author


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you or Art give some specific examples of how any of the issues Art is complaining about are different from last year or previous years? I'd like some specific examples. Please, no more whispering.

6/11/2006 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you or Art give some specific examples of how any of the issues Art is complaining about are different from last year or previous years? I'd like some specific examples. Please, no more whispering.

6/11/2006 10:25:00 AM  
Blogger PP said...

The public gets very little information and the District's attitude is that the public can't understand and doesn't need to know. "Insiders" don't perceive this; it's not an issue to them...yet. In any case, they can choose to be more forthcoming or not. It could be done very easily.

Without a change, however, District initiatives may be in trouble. The new school project lacks support. A professional public relations campaign may hurt rather than help.

We write something every day and sign our names to it. If you think that's "whispering" maybe you need to get your ears checked.

6/12/2006 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is what you say different than when you and Art were running things?

6/12/2006 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would using a publicist to inform the public effectively about the process of school building approval be harmful?

6/12/2006 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you assume that the new school project has no support. Just because the circle of friends that you are keeping with share your beliefs and ideas doesn't mean the new school lacks support from the community as a whole. When Art and you were leading the school board you signed on and agreed to the need for a new school in this district (check the records). It's blatently obvious that you have changed positions since losing your position on the school board. Unfortunately, you gentlemen seem more that willing to risk the future educational needs of the towns in MSAD #46 for your own personal revenge. It's actions like this that cost the district a new school several years ago (Guilford is still laughing and thanking us for their new school). Can you honestly say that MSAD#46 doesn't need a new school. Forget the configurations and land location at this time, do we need a new school? Time to show your true colors.

6/12/2006 01:40:00 PM  

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