Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

...Write Myself a Letter

I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a letter
And make believe it came from you*
The Comments Department has been busy lately. Unfortunately, the comments are repetitive, kind of stuck in a rut. Our anonymous commenter could do a lot better than playing gotcha. Anonymous could focus on the main issue, the one chance, before the relationship with the public is poisoned and the whole thing goes up for grabs.

But A. would rather pretend there are no issues of importance before us; there's no budget deception, there's no new school proposal (actually, there really isn't much out there, is there?) headed for failure, there's no lack of trust on the part of the public. The only thing on A.'s mind is an odd preoccupation with yours truly!

Instead A. would rather pretend that all past failures are the responsibility of the writers of this site. Would it solve anything if that were true? If so, put it all on us. We accept responsibilty for all the faults and all the failures and everything that's wrong. We did it! Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Okay. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's move on. No, wait. The other sin of which we are guilty, apparently, is in pointing out that those we've entrusted important matters to are, well, incompetent! That we should somehow then imply that they lack judgement may be unforgivable, at least to A.

Do we still have a right to voice our opinions? Or did we somehow give up that right? Have we lost our right to speak? And is the present inertia and incompetence and corruption somehow justified by past inertia and incompetence and corruption? If so, there's no hope that anything will change! That would truly be shocking and depressing.

We think we do have a right to speak, this being America, after all. We claim no special authority. We don't tell everything we know. We work with information out there in the public realm.

So let's start with a clean slate in the here and now. What needs to happen? Does the public need information? Is there a possibilty of discussion?

Let's talk about the basics. As an example, probably not one person in a hundred has any idea what's on the agenda for Wednesday's meeting. Is it really so difficult to put the agenda up on the District web site in a timely fashion? What does it mean that after repeated criticism on this kind of issue there's no movement to modify "business as usual"? I guess we're left to draw our own conclusions. Clearly, informing the public is not a "value" in this organization.

The budget and its accompanying flyer contain inaccuracies that look an awful lot like deliberate deceptions. At the Informational Meeting and in the days afterward there was an opportunity to adjust and explain and correct. It wasn't taken. Foolishly, it wasn't taken. Finally, after seeing that the District was not going to address these questions, we wrote this piece (and this, this, and this).

We're going to continue to ask questions. We're going to continue to point out discrepencies. We're going to write in plain English that everyone, we hope (all but the deliberately obtuse), can understand.

Most people aren't interested in "gotcha," but they are interested in real life adult concerns: taxes, value for money spent, and fairness for all children, to name a few. As long as those concerns aren't addressed in an open and substantive manner, we'll be here.

* The authorship of many songs is "anonymous" in the sense that the work may have had no single "author," but was developed over time through the "folk process." This particular work, "I'm Going to Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter, " is not anonymous! It was made famous first by Fats Waller, but the lyrics were written by Joe Young and are set to music by Fred Ahlert. They were undoubtedly proud of their work and signed it; they didn't take it from someone else and call it their own!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief... You're all about gotcha! 99% of what you two are complaining about is YOU!

This anonymous poster is done. There can be no "conversation" or "dialogue" when the agenda is controlled by one of the conversants.

6/13/2006 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is some interesting data that may add to your discussions of the budgetting process:

Neighboring Districts Budgets.
SAD #46 - 1006 students = $9,546,000
SAD #68 - 1159 = $9,152,000
SAD #41 - 826 = $7,279,000
SAD #4 - 802 = $6,804,000

6/13/2006 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The SAD 46 Budget includes the Tri County Technical Center operational budget (conveniently omitted by the previous anonymous poster).

6/13/2006 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting and disturbing that it takes SAD 46 $1,742,000 to educate 204 more students than other local school districts.

I think the citizens of SAD 46 need to wake up and take a closer look at the SAD 46 budget. Why does it cost us so much more to educate our students then other local school districts. Our tax rates are already some of the highest around.

Get out and vote and make a difference in this problem.

6/13/2006 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly is the dollar amount in the budget included for the TCTC (conveniently omitted by the previous anonymous poster)? Omitting that amount, does it bring the budget total down to the SAD#41 or SAD #4 figures? I doubt it!

6/13/2006 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$1,054,000 of SAD 46's budget is the Tri County Tech Center budget.

6/13/2006 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you factor out the $1,054,000, then SAD 46's budget would be $8,492,000. There are actually around 1050 students in k-12 in SAD 46. The cost per pupil is about $8,087. SAD 68 is $7,896. SAD 41 is $8,812 and SAD 4 is $8,483. It doesn't look to me like there's a lot of difference between area schools, but SAD 46 isn't the worst (even if you use the 1002 student number).

6/13/2006 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The above link is to the Maine School Management Association and the enrollment figures posted there for 2005-2006 are:

SAD 46: 1058
SAD 68: 1083
SAD 4: 836
SAD 41: 758

Assuming the budget figures are correct from the anonymous poster, the cost per pupil in each district is:

SAD 46: $8026
SAD 68: $8450
SAD 4: $8706
SAD 41: $8976


6/13/2006 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems that MSAD #46 assesses schools who participate in the TCTC approximately $280.000.00 (shown as revenue on page one of the Budget Report) so you'd need to figure that in, as well as the additional amount that the State (our taxes) includes in the State EPS Allocation, which is up more than $477.000 from last year.
Someone from the District should explain how much of the State funding increase is due to the TCTC funding.

6/13/2006 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Jack ask anyone from the District? I think Superintendent Jordan would answer that question.

6/13/2006 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I screwed up the calculations for SAD 4 and SAD 41.

The enrollment at SAD 41 is 758. If the proposed budget is $7,279,000 the cost per pupil is $9,603. The enrollment at SAD 4 is 836. If the proposed budget is $6,804,000, the cost per pupil is $8,139.

If the budget figures are correct the cost per pupil comparison is:

SAD 46 $8026
SAD 68 $8450
SAD 4 $8137
SAD 41 $9603

Frankly, I'm a little suspicious of the budget figure for SAD 41. The cost per pupil is way too high.

6/13/2006 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On per pupil costs and why they vary from district to district, here's an interesting link:

7/08/2006 09:37:00 AM  

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