Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Unanswered Questions and the "Stealth" School Project

Last week a Dexter resident asked some specific questions about the Fern Road site, after having gotten no reply through the usual channels. The comment made by the resident is here; I urge you to read it. Note too that the District apologists and Board Members reading this site seem to have not read his comment or have any answers. (Based on their consistent misunderstanding of our postings here, we know these people aren't good readers or close readers, so it's more accurate to say they don't even seem to have MIS-read his comment. In fairness, TolstoyFan made a try - thanks! -- but probably is not in a position to answer the meat* of the question.)

There are going to be a lot more questions arising in the next two weeks, inside and outside of the information meetings and the Library forum.

For example, people will want to know the financial impact of the project. They'll want to know the timetable of the approval process and also of the project itself. They'll want to know what -- if anything -- is planned for the upper 75% of the Fern Road.

They'll want to know what facilities are planned for athletics, for performances, for other functions. They'll have a lot of questions about transportation and the costs of transportation. They'll need to know that a vote for a K-8 site means the closure of both the Garland and Exeter schools -- permanently.

Any attempt to confine the discussion to the site! only the site! is going to look like an attempt to stifle the (long-avoided) discussion. (You already get a sense of the fears this -- a wide-ranging discussion -- brings up by the reaction, and non-reaction, to some of the posts at this website.)

It'll be interesting to see what answers the District has; their answers will play a large role in determining the success or failure of the effort.

We note that a scan of the District's web site would hardly let anyone know there was anything at all happening -- no info on the effort at all, nothing under NEWS or for Parents or even on the top level page!

One commenter (anonymous -- imagine!) wrote "Why would it take three months to present information about the site?" It wouldn't, of course, if the intention is to keep things quiet. Nothing indicates that this isn't the strategy. Sure there's the "Now, it's our turn!" flyer, republished in the Eastern Gazette last Saturday. Is that the only "info"?

Or are we to get a fancy "Community Connection" issue #2 from David C. Wollstadt -- some kind of slick "p. r." piece? This is likely -- a last-minute (because it is the last minute now) blitz.

I wonder how many questions that mailing will answer, or how many it will create?

*"Will public water and/or sewer be run down the Fern Road and will existing Fern Road residences (that already have private wells and septics) be required to connect to the public water and or sewer."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The school is gonna get passed through, and built, and that's all there is to it.

Get over it. Get over it. Please will you just get over it?
Sincerely, Uneeda Life

7/12/2006 07:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't assume that everyone is going to vote in favor of this new school. There are MANY people who are against it for a variety of reasons. If it happens, then so be it, but just don't assume that everyone is on the same page as you.

Maybe you're the one who needs to get a life.

7/13/2006 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to believe that the new school will pass and will be built, otherwise, I will "get a life" somewhere else.
The fear and hate mongering of this website is almost incentive enough in itself to persuade me to "get a life" somewhere else. So thanks for the response and
"right back at 'cha"! Keep up the great work you and your kind are doing through a groovy web site titled "Voters of MSAD 46" Something for us all to be proud members of. Sincerely, Uneeda Life

7/13/2006 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're quite welcome. Again, don't assume that just because someone thinks differently and has their own opinion, that they belong to a certain group with respect to this new school. It makes no difference to me if we have a new school or not. If it happens, then it happens. Life goes on.

7/13/2006 10:02:00 PM  

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