Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Informational Meeting on November 28

Yesterday at the District announced an informational meeting on the new school project. The meeting is at 7 pm, Tuesday, November 28 at the Middle School.

Here's the announcement [material in brackets added by MJ]:

7 PM, Tuesday, Nov. 28 at the Dexter Middle School Cafeteria An update on the new school project from Superintendent Kevin Jordan:

Informational meeting on the new school project

Residents in SAD 46 voted overwhelmingly this summer to locate the new K-8 school on the Fern Road in Dexter. Since that time, dozens of residents [sic] have been serving on various committees providing valuable input into what they would like to see incorporated into our new school. Local school officials have also been meeting with state officials to discuss these visions [!]. Earlier this month, the state construction team approved our educational specifications and programming documents. We are hoping to have the concept plan approved soon.

In conjunction with the new school project, committees were also formed to discuss what to do with the current schools and if a Pre-Kindergarten program should be offered at the new school. Work on these two committees is on-going.

Those involved with the project believe that along with providing an energy efficient complex, the new building will improve security, parking, and traffic circulation for our students, teachers, and parents. Other assets will be: modern classrooms and labs; up-to-date library and technology services; facilities for art and music; new sports fields; a stage for performing arts; and a gymnasium with a seating capacity of 350. The two-story school will incorporate the "neighborhood school" design concept with separate primary and middle school learning centers and entrances.

The public is urged to attend an informational meeting on the new school project at 7:00 PM, Tuesday, November 28 at the Dexter Middle School cafeteria. A straw vote on the final Concept Design of the school will be held later this year, followed by a referendum vote in February 2007 to proceed with the project. Construction would start on the new school in early 2008, with a fall 2009 completion date. The cost to construct and furnish this school is estimated to be $29+ million with the vast majority of the cost borne by the state. Every effort is being made to limit the impact on local tax dollars.

More information is available by calling the superintendent's office at 924-5262. Information is also posted at the Technology Office next to Tillson's on Main St. in Dexter.

As part of our effort to keep the public informed, we're publishing this information almost completely unedited!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is that sic? I thought you want public input.

11/16/2006 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder how the Fern Road is holding up in all this rain we keep having? Anyone care to give us a report?

11/17/2006 09:40:00 AM  

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