Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Sunday, November 12, 2006

'Twas The Night Before Christmas?

We call your attention to the revised schedule leading to a referendum on the new school project.

Announced last Thursday, the plan is for public hearings -- that's with an 's' -- and a straw vote on the concept design (published Thursday too, here) in December. I'll be accused of being fussy, but this isn't the sort of schedule to encourage participation. But I should focus on telling you something new, rather than that which you already know!

Here's the part of the timeline that you'll be most curious about:

The "DOE Construction Subcommittee" may be the same as this committee which meets on December 4.

The State Board of Education has not published their 2007 calendar, but based on their usual pattern, they'll meet January 10.

I know that come December I'll be dreaming of the new school the sugarplum fairies are going to bring me!


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