Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Workshop: Save the Last Dance for Me

We've used the dance analogy quite often in discussing consolidation. (Others refer to it as "administrative consolidation" or "administrative reorganization", but we prefer to cut to the quick.) It was used quite a bit last night too, at the School Board's workshop to discuss consolidation.

Nine of your elected reps were present. No members of the public, 'cept me. It wasn't that easy to get into the just-about-closed building, so no doubt throngs went away discouraged.

But if you'd gotten in, well, you might not have been en-couraged...

There was a good discussion of some of the issues involved and of ways of evaluating potential partners. The suggestion was made that the Superintendent prepare a matrix of factors to look for in a partner, such as philosophy, population size, tax base. (Reference was made to the new school site selection matrix.)

There seem to be two somewhat different philosophies about the partner discussions.

The Chair early on expressed a preference to talk with all the District's neighbors.

But later, the Superintendent and others expressed the desire for as small a new District as possible, opining that we stand a good chance of not having to go to 2500 students or more, but, by falling under a "lack of population density" proviso in the law, only having to achieve a new district population of 1200 students.

The difference here is between having to form a regional school unit from multiple districts versus having to align with perhaps only one nearby district.

The focus came to rest on Corinth (SAD #64 ) which the Superintendent knows to be unhappy with the future configuration (scroll to RSU 13) suggested by the Department of Education.

The next Board workshop, to discuss strategy, is scheduled for July 12 (see Calendar). The plan is due, in rough form, by August 31. (timeline here)

Board members were handed printouts of this PowerPoint presentation, which is being given at all of the regional meetings, including the one tonight at 7 at the high school cafetorium. See you there!

I’m going to Chattanoogie
to see my ponies run

And if I win a prize
I’m gonna give my baby some

- Blues in the Bottle


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