Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Monday, June 18, 2007

Drivers Needed!

Now that the new state consolidation plan has been enacted into law; it's up to the regions to define themselves. After fierce lobbying efforts by groups such as the Maine Education Association, the Maine School Board Association, the Maine School Management Association; as well as groups like the Small Schools Coalition and school boards throughout the state, the total number of school districts is now established at a maximum of eighty districts.

The new challenge will require real leadership from local superintendents. Some, like Paul Stearns, of neighboring SAD 4, John Dirnbauer of SAD 68, and Shirley Wright of SAD 41 exhibit the wisdom and the ability. Collaborations between those districts already exist for regional adult education and other services through the Tri-County Collaborative.

Interestingly, the emphasis on administrative cost savings apparently doesn't apply to new school construction. As a matter of fact, Superintendent Dirnbauer was quoted as noting that both the newly constructed SAD 68 preK-8 and the recently approved SAD 46 preK-8 include superintendents' offices. How many "central" offices will the new Region 18 superintendent need?

According to a recent article in the Portland Press Herald, some local school officials are concerned about creating partnerships. Paul Hasson, superintendent of SAD 51 ( Cumberland and Yarmouth) is quoted in the article as saying "It's going to be an interesting ride."

Since the state has already defined the destination, don't you think what we really need is someone who is able and willing to drive?


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