Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, July 13, 2007

"I've been everywhere, man..."

You can go away -- and I've been away, down in the United States -- but most things are just the same when you get back.

The agenda for Wednesday's Board meeting went up on the District website Monday afternoon about 3.

Minutes for the June 13 meeting and the June 19 meeting aren't up yet, though the elite got theirs on Saturday last. I'll scan these in over the weekend if they don't show up soon. The minutes for May 2 and 3 aren't posted yet either.

If you want to know what happened on Wednesday, well, given that your faithful reporter wasn't there, I guess we're all just going to have to wait!

(By the way, as has become standard practice lately, reports were scheduled from two committee meetings -- Facilities/Transportation/Construction and the Technology Sub-Committee -- that were not announced before they occurred, nor even after they occurred!)

In the meantime, there was a half-hearted update -- "July/August News" -- of the "New School" website, here. Not a lot of substance there. Also yesterday, in the first update since March 6, before the referendum, the NSP "Meeting Schedule" page was updated, with a 5:00 meeting announced at 2:04. Too bad you couldn't attend!

Just to be clear, in case you're new here: the lack of information provided to the public by this District is not the fault of someone who reports to the administration. We're not criticizing a secretary, assistant, or technology person.

Withholding of information and selective release of information is sometimes a conscious policy by District leadership, as in the new school referendum process. Most of the time, though, informing the public is just something they don't think about; it's not a value in this organization.

Maybe we should drop the pretense of calling them public schools, since the public is so completely ignored.

P.S. "I've Been Everywhere" is parsed here.


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