Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, September 21, 2007

Whatcha Doin' Tuesday?

What follows are excerpts from a letter written by Paul Stearns, Superintendent of SAD 4 (Guilford), available at the SAD 4 website. He announces a meeting for next Tuesday involving SAD 46 representatives. We thought you might like to know! (This is another Voters exclusive.)
Dear Regional Planning Committee Member and SAD #4 Residents;

SAD #4 has filed a letter of intent for the following districts and towns to work on a consolidation plan.

*MSAD 4 *MSAD 41 *MSAD 46 *MSAD 68 *Harmony *Willimantic *Greenville *Shirley *Kingsbury Plantation *Beaver Cove *Medford *Lakeview Plantation *Bowerbank

The facilitator provided to us by the Department of Education is Walter G. McIntire, Ph.D.
Dr. McIntire will work with the Rural Planning Committee to establish working committees to study school consolidation in our area. The first meeting of this Rural Planning Committee will be held on Tuesday, September 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at the SeDoMoCha School Campus.
At this first meeting, Dr. McIntire will establish a process that will guide the upcoming work about school consolidation. He will also establish six planning committees as follows:

□ Governance □ Facilities and Assets □ Curriculum
□ Finance □ Transportation □ Personnel

I hope that you will be available to attend this very important meeting and the subsequent meetings that follow. It is imperative that we all make informed decisions regarding school consolidation.
Paul Stearns
MSAD #4 Superintendent of School
We've added this event to the Voters Calendar.

We agree that it's "imperative that we all make informed decisions regarding school consolidation."

Thanks, Paul, for keeping us informed!


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