Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

RSU 18 is On the Move!

Almost 70 people met in Dover-Foxcroft last Tuesday night to attempt a nearly-impossible task: to see if four School Administrative Districts, a Union, and several smaller entities (towns) could find common ground and compelling reasons to come together as an RSU (Regional School Unit).

It was mainly approached in good spirit and without much time wasted in hand-wringing over the futility and stupidity of it all. After all, it's likely something will come of these meetings -- there pretty much have to be some results!

In the Finance Committee, an interesting issue came up, that of the so-called minimum local contribution towns. There are a number of them in our (larger) region. These towns must pay a minimum of 2 mills under the new law, even though they have few or no school-age children. Here's a list of towns in our area who in 2007-8 had a mill rate (for education) of less than two mills:
Beaver Cove 1.23
Bowerbank .74
Kingsbury Plantation .00
Lake View Plantation .20
There are 24 towns statewide in this situation in the present fiscal year.

As well, there are 13 towns who this year are between two and three mills; in our area, Willimantic fits the criteria, with a current (education) mill rate of 2.70

Presumably the towns who are otherwise at less than two mills would be increased to two mills, barring any mooted change in the law.

In any case, the projected committees were formed, based on the interests of individuals, and the next combined meeting will be next Wednesday, the 1oth, 6:30 pm, at Sedomocha School, Dover-Foxcroft. Some committees will have interim meetings sooner. The Finance Committee, for example, will meet on Thursday, the 4th, at 6:30 at Sedomocha.

The SAD 46 Reorganization Planning Committee is: Steve Foster, Fred Sherburne, Al Ross, Steve Crane, Jim Crane, Julie Wilcox, Shawn Lancaster, Steve Gudroe, Peter Devine, John Parola, Andy Seavey, Rodney Farrar

You (the citizens of SAD 46) were represented by eight of the twelve members of your RPC: Steve Foster, Fred Sherburne, Julie Wilcox, Steve Gudroe, Peter Devine, John Parola, Andy Seavey, Rodney Farrar.

For more details about these meetings, be sure to contact your representatives!


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