Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tonight's the Night! Info Meeting, DMS, 7 pm

Is the District on message? Well (as the young folks say), duh! And has the District gotten the message out? Ditto!

The message is out -- on the New School Project website, in the Gazette, in the Bangor Daily News, on the Daily ME site, in the Rolling Thunder, in the flyers at the checkout at Bud's. I haven't been in the Garland Store lately, but I'll bet it's posted there too. And whatever the medium, whatever the venue, the words in each of these iterations are identical.

You might think that with such an apparent push to get the word out and with so many outlets available to the District that they would grasp these chances to get out a wealth of information, say, projected financial considerations, or options on athletic fields, or what the community might choose to raise for an arts center, or how, in detail, the new facility might create more academic opportunities for students, and so on. But maybe that's being saved for tonight!

Rather than focus on what might have been handled differently, though, let's examine this one message that the District has distributed. (We posted the full text here, and it's here too.) Then tonight we can see what new information is presented!

Here's an outline of the message, with comments:
1. The process up to now
Not entirely accurate, but only a couple of real whoppers.
2. Committees on disposition of property and pre-K
Ongoing, as stated. You'll look in vain at for the membership of these committees. Or the agendas. Why should this rather mundane information not be posted? Hard to figure!
3. The "pluses" of the new school, addressing a concern or two
Here are the arguments, as the District sees them, for a new school. Solid reasons, if oddly stated, and for the most part unarguable...well, sort of. First, it's an odd prioritization, with energy efficiency, and "improved security, parking, and traffic circulation for our students, teachers, and parents" at the head of the line. I'll bet the students won't really care one way or the other!
The other "assets" listed ("modern classrooms and labs; up-to-date library and technology services; facilities for art and music; new sports fields; a stage for performing arts; and a gymnasium with a seating capacity of 350") are, mostly, unexceptional, expected, with some already in place at the present school. I understand the new school will have running water!
The last sentence heads off a couple of questions: "The two story-school will incorporate the "neighborhood school" design concept with separate primary and middle school learning centers and entrances."
4. Informational meeting, timeline for straw vote, referendum, construction. With a kicker!
Straw Vote "later this year"(!?!) The date will probably will be announced tonight. Referendum Vote in February.
Here's the kicker: "The cost to construct and furnish this school is estimated to be $29+ million with the vast majority of the cost borne by the state. Every effort is being made to limit the impact on local tax dollars." [emphasis in original] The writer wants to be sure you really, truly get this part: Free! It's free!
Just to spell things out: I used the word "kicker" ironically. But the writer of this piece clearly believes that this emphasized line is going to win you over.
5. More info available...
You be the judge.

Hope you'll come and find out tonight!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, the handwringing continues.

11/28/2006 02:36:00 PM  

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