Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, December 08, 2006

"...dozens of residents have been serving on various committees providing valuable input..."*


School Board Member Yellow
District Employee Blue
Spouse of SB Member or Employee Green

Athletic Fields/Grounds

John Parola
Bilodeau, Jr., Rick

Crispell, Greg

Ellms, Chuck
Foster, Steve
McCluskey, Timothy
Modrey, Richard
Moreau, Chris
Peirce, Gayle

Spizuoco, Frank

Building Space Needs/Programming

Richard McInnis

Crispell, Greg

Fournier, Deborah
Gudroe, David
Gudroe, Karen
Imbert, Sharon
Jordan, Anne
Kenney, Lesa
McCluskey, Timothy

Munday, Ella
Peirce, Gayle

Pfirman, Richard
Prescott, Peter
Price, Nancy
Richard, Juliana

Rudmin, Gerrard

Sherburne, Carol
Staples, Juanita
Thomas, Elaine

Mechanical/Building Systems

Shawn Lancaster
Bennett, Michael

Brown, Barry
Foster, Steven

Goerlitz, Don
Gudroe, David

McCormick, Mike
Perkins, Gary

Pfirman, Richard
Rollins, Ernest

Saunders, Allyson

Sherburne, Fred

Staples, Terry
Wyman, Corey

Moveable Equipment

Sherree Mitchel
Bennett, Michael

Bowden, Michelle
Jordan, Anne
Peakes-Stevens, Melissa

Rollins, Andrea

Saunders, Allyson

Saunders, Rory

Public Relations

Frederick Wintle
Adam, Bobbie
Lockhart, Tammy
McCluskey, Timothy

Rudmin, Gerrard
Wakefield, Barbara


Richard Bilodeau, Jr.
Briggs, Kristin

Crane, Steven

Fournier, David

Mealey, Pete
Modery, Richard

Palmer, Reginald
Roy, Art
Saunders, Rory

Tondreau, Leah

* from publicity for the November 28 meeting (posted here on "Voters"), reworked for the so-called November 16th update, first published November 29, here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would have been nice to have seen Art Jette or Mel Johnson listed on one or more of the committees.

How many people on the lists, regardless of their color code, are NOT residents of the MSAD 46 towns?

12/08/2006 12:21:00 PM  

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