Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Saturday, December 16, 2006

"I’ve got ideas; perhaps you do too!"

The following letter, written December 13, appears in today's issue of the Eastern Gazette.

To the Editor,

Just yesterday afternoon, I heard of an imminent meeting of the MSAD #46 School Board's Facilities Committee with Garland's selectmen, the meeting to take place next Monday evening. At last night's meeting with Exeter selectmen, Superintendent Jordan alluded to such a forthcoming get-together, but did not supply particulars. As of this writing (Wednesday afternoon), there’s been no notice of such a meeting on the District’s web pages. We may conjecture that it’s at 7 pm at the Garland Town Office, and that like last night’s unpublicized Exeter meeting, it will address the disposition of the local school building, should the voters approve a new school project.

This comes on the heels of the yesterday’s announcement of a public hearing next Wednesday evening at the Exeter Consolidated School, at 7 pm. I use the word announcement advisedly, since the notice is not exactly prominent on the District web page. It was news to the town officials at last night’s meeting. Most will learn of this “public hearing” from a District ad in this very issue of the Eastern Gazette.

May I point out that this is not much advance notice of a meeting, and that this is a very busy time of year? But rather than getting real input, perhaps the intent is only to go through the motions?

The straw vote on the school concept is January 4th at the Dexter Middle School. You had to be at last night’s meeting to learn this; this event has not yet been announced elsewhere.

You might ask what the need is for all this haste. I’ve got ideas; perhaps you do too!


Melvin Johnson


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get it. You complain when there are no meetings with "the public". And now you complain when there are.

How come all the original new school site reviews back in 2004 were done in secret when you were the Board chairman? How come we only learned about the site reviews long after they were done?

I went to the meeting in Exeter in December, 2004. YOU brought up consolidation of the schools in the district and YOU used the "neighborhood" school design idea.

Why are you now fighting so hard against a new school for MSAD 46?

12/17/2006 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also attended the 2004 Exeter meeting as well as all the other meetings. I don't remember seeing "anonymous" there at all. Everyone there had a name.

I guess I didn't see the yellow streak down his back, or the paper bag he was wearing over his head.

Will he be attending the Wednesday night Exeter meeting?

12/18/2006 08:38:00 AM  

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