Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

"The Race is On!"*

Last night, part of the School Board and the Superintendent met with Exeter selectmen and a couple of citizens to discuss the District's plans, and Exeter's options, for the Exeter school building.

This meeting can hardly be said to have been publicized. Nowhere on the District's website, or on their new school project website is this meeting even mentioned. Indeed the only "notice" of the meeting we're aware of was here on the "Voters" site, when we reproduced the agenda for the (upcoming) December 6 Board meeting; this agenda has still not been put up at the District's meetings and minutes page. We don't know if Exeter residents were somehow informed of this meeting by their town officials.

Just yesterday afternoon, word came to us of a similar meeting of the Board's Facilities Committee with Garland's selectmen, this meeting to take place next Monday evening. At last night's Exeter meeting, Superintendent Jordan stated that a similar meeting would be held next week in Garland, but did not supply particulars. We'll attempt to fill in the details as they come to us. Just thought you might like to know!

A report on the meeting: not much real news, to those who've been following this story.

Here's what we did learn:
  • Occupancy of the new school is now projected for December of 2008.
  • The straw vote is scheduled for January 4. No public notice yet of this either. I'm hoping I get an invitation this time!
  • "The State is pretty much driving this process" -- I guess you knew that!
  • The referendum vote is planned ( tentatively) for February 28.
All these events are now posted at our calendar page.

*A song made famous by George Jones. You'll find the lyrics here. Most applicable:
The race is on and it looks like
Heartaches and the winner loses all...


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