Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Contact your school and municipal officers now

The following letter appears in today's issue of the Eastern Gazette. While similar to this earlier post, you'll notice subtle but significant changes. Given another opportunity to offer his modest proposal, the author evidently sought to further develop his argument. What do you think?

To the Editor,

On November 28th, the MSAD 46 School Board unveiled a glimpse of what the proposed new school will look like if it is ultimately approved. Floor space, building layout, parking, entrances, athletic fields etc. were laid out, but there are still unanswered questions, and like all plans, they will undoubtedly be refined and changes made. Recognizing that this planned consolidation incorporates a 60-70 year life cycle facility at a cost of $30,000,000, care must be taken to involve all stakeholders in the upcoming considerations.

The Board has announced its plan to finalize the decisions at a late February referendum. In my opinion there is no rationale for such an early, rushed, final vote; and I believe that a June referendum is more appropriate for the following reasons:

The District communities (Dexter, Exeter, Garland, and Ripley) are already required to hold a District referendum in June.

Holding the new school vote in February will require additional cost and effort on the part of the communities.

A February vote will unquestionably be less representative because voter turnout will be less than the normal June referendum.

March town meetings will provide an opportunity for school leaders to present the proposal to citizens of Ripley, Garland and Exeter, providing more dialogue.

Good ideas can stand the test of time. An idea that’s good in February should be at least as good in June, maybe even better!

The time between the end of February and the beginning of June can be well spent finalizing plans with public input and engaging the voters in acceptance of the proposal. Time can heal wounds and allow those resistant to change to come to terms with the closure of their community schools.

A seventy-year, $30,000,000 decision shouldn'’t be rammed through with such limited review; and the deadline for decision is rapidly approaching. Forums such as the Eastern Gazette generously provide the opportunity for you to voice your opinions, or you can go to for interactive comments and information. Now is the time to contact your school and municipal officers to make your opinions known!

Arthur Jette


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