Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Not Dead Yet. Not Even Close!

"Some people rob you with a fountain pen," a great man once said.

These days they attempt it with a keystroke. But rumors of our demise are just so much bazz fazz!

No, we ain't going nowhere!

A review of "Voters" since its inception on April 22, 2006 shows that we haven't focussed on a single issue -- the new school -- nor have we opposed a new school -- only how the process has been executed (funny word choice, that!).

We've written on a wide variety of subjects; cooking, traditional music, veracity, calumny, weather, citizenship, real estate, and, every once in a while, education.

We've clearly stated our purpose; we hope it comes through daily.

There are those who think that a poll of 199 to 37 or 199 to 12 indicates that support for the new school project is overwhelming. We doubt it. It's unlikely that such proportions will obtain at referendum.

Whatever the final vote, what's curious about the two straw votes is that the "pros" seemed unable to grow their total. Odd. The "antis" clearly are waiting for the referendum. They'll make their presence known then. It's a shame they couldn't have been engaged in the process earlier. But the time for discussion is over; it hardly existed anyway.

We'll keep writing about matters of interest to those interested in education in this district. Thanks for your continued support, all 28, 732 of you.*

* Cumulative site visits, as of this writing.


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