Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Thursday, February 01, 2007

"What Was It You Wanted?"

Did you want a new middle school? Did you want a K-8 school? Did you want a pre-K to 8 school?

Did you want to close the Garland School? The Exeter School? Did you want to close the Dexter Primary School?

Did you want it on the Fern Road or did you want it somewhere else? Did you want it to be a "no walking" school? Did you want to drive there "the long way 'round"?

Do you like the design? Whose design is it anyway? The "inward pitch" less-than-flat roof? Is the gym large enough for assemblies? The music and art space? The fields?

Did you get what you want? Is it what you want because it's what the State will pay for?

Or did you expect more for thirty million dollars?

The Straw Vote is tonight, 7 pm. Dexter Middle School.

Is the scenery changing,
Am I getting it wrong,
Is the whole thing going backwards,
Are they playing our song?
Where were you when it started
Do you want it for free
What was it you wanted
Are you talking to me?

-- "What Was It You Wanted?", Bob Dylan, Oh Mercy!, 1989
(lyrics , mp3 -- 9.0 MB)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two very positive straw pole votes, overwhelming support for the project.

I say its time to retire the "Voters of MSAD 46" blog as it doesnt seem to mirror the mood of the Voters!

2/05/2007 12:30:00 PM  
Blogger Art said...

There's a big difference between a "straw pole" and a "straw poll"; that's why we need to stay.

And then there's always the budget.

We may have to change the name soon to "Voters of Region 10" though.

Thanks Mike, for your continuing support.

2/05/2007 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry I dont have time to sit around all day and correct others spelling Art.

Dont consider your astute spelling prowess as an indication of my support for the blog, nothing could be further from the truth. I find it only slightly informative, all of your posts can be found elsewhere.

I could say that the blog is disruptive and is a source for you and Mel to vent your anger of being voted out of leadership postions on the Board. But I wont say that as I dont believe that many people are actually reading it anyway. It is generally the same people responding behind their anonymity.

Your views clearly do not represent those of the majority of the populace.

Most people reading the blog are doing it for the entertainment value.

(PS-if your intentions were to not embarass people, the editor could have corrected my mispelling, or perhaps the blog should have a spell checker!)

2/06/2007 08:27:00 AM  
Blogger Art said...

The way this blog was created allows the choice to either publish or reject comments as they are written.

It is designed to preserve the commenters words for the sake of truth.

A straw poll can be ignored, if desired, by the school board as has been pointed out by the current Board chairman at recent public hearings. That fact alone makes the meaning of a straw vote less than overwhelming doesn't it?

There's no doubt that there is support for a new school. Only after the referendum will we learn if there's enough support.

So once again I ask, Why not hold the referendum in June when a larger turnout will decide the fate?

2/06/2007 10:35:00 AM  

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