Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, December 22, 2006

Sugarplum La-La Land!

The sugarplum fairies are hard at work -- 'tis the season, of course -- and they're sending sweet bouquets our way. Some of the recent comments (see here, here, and here) have been seemingly solicitous of our mental health and anxious about what appears to the comment-maker to be a change of heart on our part. How kind! And the fact that these cowardly comments are also sniping and personal and petty, well that just further serves the commenters' intention of sidestepping our arguments! If there were anything genuine about their confusion, then we'd be solicitous of their mental state! Next time you see "Anonymous," ask if he's been taking his meds! Or has the eggnog gone to his noggin?

Our views on a variety of issues have been clearly stated here many times; we've signed our names to over 190 posts in the last eight months. Where we stand is prominent in the masthead above. We have never opposed a new middle school; you'll find no statement anywhere that says so.

We have criticized the site and scrutinized details of the plan (roof, athletic fields, road, etc.). We have questioned the commitment to a "free or reduced" school. But most of all we have questioned the process and how it has been carried out.

Does the District leadership want approval and praise from us? It is upright and honorable of them to plan for a roof over the heads our our tender children! We'll have running water? Fab! Now that we've cleared that up, let's be serious.

Adults don't live in the world of a Thomas Kincade fantasy-land. They have real questions and concerns. They expect to have their questions answered, not evaded. And they don't expect to be hammered for asking legitimate questions. To be ignored would be bad enough; to be misrepresented as anti-kid, anti-education by anonymous cowards is provoking a fight.

We note that there has been no modification of any of the plans due to input of non-insiders. The District is being led by experts -- by the nose. The District jumps when the DOE says jump. You'd almost think they were back on the line, working piece rate!

Outside of a small circle of friends this entire project has been a closed loop. Those "outside" have been ignored.

The larger point is the tactics of the insiders -- including "Anonymous." Any criticism is disallowed. It's all or nothing. In their view, we're allowed to have our opinion... as long as we keep it to ourselves!

What country do we live in? Can one support X but deplore Y? Apparently not. Discrimination, differentiation, subtlety are verboten! Blind allegiance to the insiders and to their agents, and to the DOE is commanded. Local values and local loyalties are swept aside. Hail Dexter!


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