Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Saturday, December 23, 2006

"When To Vote?"

The following letter appears in today's issue of the Eastern Gazette.

To the Editor,
About two years ago, at a meeting of the MSAD #46 Facilities and Construction committee, a current Board member remarked that if he had his way, he'’d rather hold the new school referendum in January or February, "when the 'snowbirds' are south for the winter."” The push by the District to force a vote on approval for a new school, on February 28th implies that he'’s getting his way.

The State of Maine, Department of Education School Facilities Services Major Capital Improvements Program has published a document simply called Referendum Information. Included in the document is a section called Fast Track for SAD Referendum Vote, where minimum timelines are specified.

In its tribulations about the new school project the local school board chairman and others claim that the February vote is necessary in order to satisfy the State requirements for a timeline. There are at least two facts that make it obvious that the Board has decided the referendum date for its own purposes.

In "Legal Aspects of School Construction Referenda"”, by Richard A. Spencer, Esq., and dated November 16, 2006, the "Timing Requirements"” include; "Concept approval must be obtained in designated calendar year...Referendum must be conducted within six months of concept approval." It is important to note that the school officials are misleading you to believe that a June referendum is beyond the timeline set by the State.

Included in an unsigned document titled Referendum Strategies are suggestions such as having the school referendum "stand alone"” as a question, putting the District'’s resources "toward getting out the 'yes' votes"” and "“zero in on the pre-school and elementary school parents"”, since they "have the most at stake."

For the complete text of these, please go to for links to the various sites. Those of you who don'’t want to be railroaded need to pressure the local school board, its Chairman and the Superintendent at 924-5262. You can also enlist your selectpersons and town councilors to request that the voting be done on the already established June date. The Board wants the February vote; tell them that you'’d rather vote in the June referendum, after you get all the information you need.


Arthur Jette
Links referenced above:
DOE Major Capital School Construction Project Workbook
Referendum Information
Legal Aspects Of School Construction Referenda
Referendum Strategies


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that I saw this letter in the Gazette Saturday. I also saw an advertisement for a teaching position at Dexter High School. Can anyone explain to me what Anticipated Science is?

12/27/2006 09:11:00 PM  

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