Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Buffalo Gals Won't You Come Out Tonight?

There's a public meeting tonight, at the Corinna School at 6:30, to discuss the proposed consolidation of school administration. It hasn't been well publicized, and we can't give you much background about who's sponsoring it, the format, projected speakers, and so on.

Nevertheless, it is an opportunity to learn something, to eyeball the new "community", and to put your finger in the wind and see which way it's blowing.

Should be a big time tonight!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because someone visits your site does NOT mean they support you. Most likely we visit because we like to see how you distort the truth about MSAD #46 and it's operation.

2/19/2007 10:09:00 AM  

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