Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What's Left To Hide?

For reasons known only to Superintendent Jordan, and perhaps the School Board, information regarding the new school project continues to be kept from the general public.

Maybe he doesn't think the public needs to know anything....yet.

Apparently, the "Special Board Meeting" was held on February 14th to sign the Notice for Public Hearing required prior to the March 27, 2007 referendum. The notices are posted in the towns at usual locations (Dexter Town Office window, Garland Post Office for example). The public hearing will be held on March 19, 2007.

There's been no other public acknowledgement of the March 27, 2007 referendum date being formally established.

Maybe they're waiting until after the rescheduled State Board meeting later today (previously scheduled for February 14th) for formal Concept plan approval.

Anyway, with the referendum date issue firmly settled, it is now ready to be placed in the hands of the voters.

I urge you to visit the site for updates and answers to your questions.

Maybe you can get "anonymous" to guide you.

Update: 2/20/2007 2:50 PM

The Board also signed the Warrants for the referendum at the February 14th meeting. By law, the warrants must be signed by the school board at a public meeting held more than 30 days before the referendum date, and must be delivered to Town Clerks at least 30 days before referendum date and within 3 days of signing by the school board. See if you can find anything about it at


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You have to get out more in your community! You say in this blog that notices were posted at the Garland Post Office. If people go to the Garland Post Office to look for notices they wiil be disapointed. No notices have been posted at the post office for about a year. The bullentin board was removed by orders of the United States Postal Service. There is a board in the Garland Store right next store. How about getting your facts straight and stop sending people places where the information is not available. Sounds like your doing the same thing that you say that Mr. Jordan and the school board are doing.

2/21/2007 06:14:00 PM  

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