Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Friday, March 09, 2007

Reading, Writing, Responding...

Here's a comment received today. It's published on the original post below, but it raises some questions that deserve more visibility. Refer to the original post below ("Let's Bond") for more context.
I have been following this commentary for a while now, and feel I need to speak out.
1. This sounds like a very clear threat, Art. The fact of anonymity is supposed to insure confidentiality, and your implication is clearly, and unarguably a threat!
2. This is supposed to be an opportunity for people to respond to Mel and Art's comments, at least as far as I can read. How come when someone writes in favor of the school, with accurate comments and facts rather than opinions, they are denigrated and defiled?
3. One of the outstanding facts in this whole project is that if we choose not to take advantage of this opportunity, that $30 Million Dollars will be spent elsewhere, for someone else to have a new building, with updated technology, and clean environment.
4. The governor has his eyes on consolidating somewhere. If we don't, someone else will for us. Talk about taking local option away!
5. I hear comments about how everyone will miss the small schools in our district. If the governor has his way, (and I've no doubt he will to some degree) we won't have small schools anyway, and our students are likely to be bussed to Corinth or Newport/Corinna areas. hmmm, Newport school or Dexter school. I know which I would pick.
6. Many of the comments here have referred to lack of information, yet how many people have actually attended the meetings that have been made available? I've attended the public meetings, and I find it hard to believe there are only 350 people in the whole district!!! That's the number who attended both meetings. Also, at those meetings, several invitations were presented for people to become part of the process and have a say in what gets done; I didn't see people lining up to be on the various committees. I guess my thought is-what right have you to criticize if you were not part of the process? If people spent as much time on the committees as they have writing on the blog, maybe there would have been a different outcome; I doubt it. But I guess the bottom line for me is that they would rather sit back and watch and complain, than get involved and do something about it.
Let's work through this.
1. This sounds like a very clear threat, Art. The fact of anonymity is supposed to insure confidentiality, and your implication is clearly, and unarguably a threat!
Here's what Art wrote:
...but should you continue these practices, and your identity be revealed; there’ll be hell to pay.
You'll have to explain the "threat." I don't see it. Art isn't saying he's going to reveal this person's identity.In fact it isn't possible for us to determine that. If it should somehow be revealed, though, don't you think it would create problems for him/her? Don't you think it should? I would hope so. I would hope that ordinary decent people would be outraged at this person's behavior.

Which leads me to point #2:
2. This is supposed to be an opportunity for people to respond to Mel and Art's comments, at least as far as I can read. How come when someone writes in favor of the school, with accurate comments and facts rather than opinions, they are denigrated and defiled?
You'll need to explain a couple more things. How was the comment by Anonymous -- I assume it's not you, since you seem better at constructing an argument -- in any way a response to the argument of the "Let's Bond" post?

Anonymous's response to the argument about the seriousness of the issue militating for a June vote date is the following:
  • Accuse Art of scare tactics.
  • Argue that, in effect, any disagreement is an argument for letting someone else get a school rather than SAD #46. This is done through pretending that some other argument was being made.
  • Impugn Art's motives.
  • Impugn mine by suggesting that I'm inattentive to the interests of one of my children. The fact that Anonymous chooses to do this by being very specific about my child, I take as a threat. I've had them through my children before. I know this tactic and I think it is very repugnant. I'm waiting for you to denounce any new school project "supporter" who uses such tactics as no "friend of education."
These slurs against us have this fundamental underpinning: No one could possibly be interested in the schools except by being directly -- through their families -- concerned. The corollary: No one with a child in the schools should dare to be critical.

The comment by Anonymous was hardly an embodiment of "accurate comments and facts!" Please ask yourself again if you think it was. Please review this entire blog and see whether we have ever "denigrated and defiled" "someone writ[ing] in favor of the school with accurate comments and facts rather than opinions."

I think you will see that we have tolerated multiple instances of slurs and nasty implications. We've responded to these when we've had to, and especially because we have felt that this site should be available to ordinary citizens without fear of intimidation. That's why we've preserved the option of anonymity in spite of abusive comments through this device.

Taking your points #4 and #5. I have no doubt that many small schools will be closed. A lot that is valuable will be lost, both in those schools and in the communities that formerly had schools. The governor's plan -- or whatever variation on it emerges -- will certainly lead toward some form of consolidation.

Our point has always been -- and this responds to your point #6 -- that this process could have been handled better. It has not been inclusive and it has not actively sought out participation. Asking people to come to a meeting is necessary but not sufficient.

Do I have the answer to increasing public participation? No. Do I have ideas? Yes -- and so do many other people.

One of our ideas is this blog. It has more viewers than either of the District's blogs. Other districts have started blogs, with varying degrees of success. When they've not been successful, it's often because they're not informal, they're not responsive, they're too bureaucratic, and so on.

Bill Cohen, when he first ran for Congress, walked across the Congressional District. A walk across this School District, door to door, would have generated a lot of discussion. A stupid idea? You might think so. But I said I had some ideas -- and so do many other people.
I didn't see people lining up to be on the various committees. I guess my thought is-what right have you to criticize if you were not part of the process? If people spent as much time on the committees as they have writing on the blog, maybe there would have been a different outcome; I doubt it. But I guess the bottom line for me is that they would rather sit back and watch and complain, than get involved and do something about it.
You may have that thought - "what right have you to criticize if you were not part of the process?" But I'd be cautious, if I were in your shoes, about arguing against the democratic process. We all get to criticize -- you, me, everybody.

We all make our own decisions. I put in nine years. I help out in my community. I help with this blog. I attend a fair number of meetings. I'm continuing to be involved. Please don't suggest I'm "sitting back!"

Before you turn outward and blame others for not participating -- an easy temptation, I know -- you need to ask if you've done all that you can do to encourage citizen involvement. You may have truly done all you can, as an individual. The District clearly could have done a lot more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.k. Mel, You bring up some good points.
1. In reference to the threat, you forgot to include the ending sentence, which to me smacked of clear threat.

"You and yours have no children of mine in the schools to attempt to intimidate me with, but should you continue these practices, and your identity be revealed; there’ll be hell to pay.

Count on it!"

Should we also mention that Art no longer even lives in the district?

2.In relation to the accusation of scare tactics, why is it considered "scare tactics" to remind people that if we don't proceed in a timely manner, this whole process will be bypassed and the money given to another district? That is in fact what will happen.

3. I do agree with you on your statement about putting your specific child in the comment. My children have been in that school, and I know I don't want another child going through it if there is a way around it. This whole thing won't even affect my children. They are way past this.

4. As far as denigrating and you have not spoken about a specific person, and I was not referring to specific people, but I stand by the statement that accusing someone of using "scare tactics", (which has been used several times in this blog) is frustrating and denigrating to the democratic process; a process you state over and over again is your main purpose in this blog.

"Anonymous's response to the argument about the seriousness of the issue militating for a June vote date is the following:" and you go on to quote from the "anonymous" letter (I won't reprint it all here).

My understanding of the school building process as of this time, is that if we don't proceed quickly and in a timely manner, (meaning now, not June)we will be denied the opportunity. I also believe that because this process was initiated so long ago (mid 1990's) the state is losing patience with our district. From my sources, if we try to postpone, even for a later vote, we are in serious danger of losing the whole thing again. If there are scare tactics involved, it is at the state level, not local. I'm scared this building won't be built. And finally, I understand that one of the reasons for the March push is for groundbreaking and building purposes as much as for the state (which will save money on the project, have you ever tried to dig in frozen ground?). Timinig will be critical in order to get this building up and running in a timely manner.

5."The comment by Anonymous was hardly an embodiment of "accurate comments and facts!" Please ask yourself again if you think it was." Again, I was not speaking of this post specifically, rather an overview of some statements in general. If you recall, I did initially state that I had been reading for some time.

6. "We all make our own decisions. I put in nine years. I help out in my community. I help with this blog. I attend a fair number of meetings. I'm continuing to be involved. Please don't suggest I'm "sitting back!" Again, I never said you specifically; don't take it so personally. Unless you're feeling defensive for some reason? I am referring to the general public who complains about the process and yet, does not take active steps to correct it. The only personal comment I intended on this entire post was the caution, (which I still feel was justified) to Art regarding his single comment as quoted above.

7. "The District clearly could have done a lot more." What would you suggest? The hearings have been posted in the newspaper, and during the meetings, invitations were extended to all to participate, call, offer info, etc. Are you suggesting we go door to door? Did you when you were on the school board? The names of all of the members of the committees have been posted since very early on. Have people who have concerns ever once called someone on those committees to ask when the meeting was, to express concerns? I don't know, but that is my argument. If one feels strongly enough about something, then one should do something about it, not just complain to one's neighbors, or at the coffee shop.

And I'll stick my neck out here, but if some of these people had students in the district and a sporting event got rescheduled for 2 days hence, they would find a way to make it to the game. My argument is that priorities need to be examined. And in case there is any question, I am not against sports!!!

3/10/2007 02:50:00 PM  

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