Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Monday, February 26, 2007

From Here On, It's All P.R.!

You think not? See this.

Oh, and look for the Community Connections newsletter in your mailbox any day now. Wonder if it'll say anything about the New School Project?

Rather ironic to use your own money to sell you on a project of such obvious virtue.

Community Connections is imported public relations, prepared by David C. Wollstadt, member of the Old Town School Board, former publisher of the Penobscot Times, and now in business as He's the "editor" of SAD 4's Pirates Treasure Chest, SAD 22's Link-22, and now SAD 46's Community Connections (a title also used in Old Town).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Community Connections is a tool to communicate with the public. What's the alternative? Sometimes, it's more cost-effective to let a professional get word out to a community. Perhaps SAD 46 should just focus strictly on educating children and forget about communicating with the public. Why would folks want to know what's going on in the schools their tax dollars pay for? That's just plain foolish!

Maybe the point being made is that it's not the "communicating" part that's bad, but the public spin aspect of it. Well, if you don't toot your own horn every once in a while, then folks will assume the District's being run by monkeys.

Pick your poison. How much time will you dwell on the negative? How much more time will you spend decaying in ill thoughts towards your own community? What a miserable way to be.

Rise up and take the higher road...think POSITIVE for a change!

2/26/2007 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You spend all of your time begging and pleading for communication from the district and more community connections. When the district offers it, you attack the effort. Your credibility (what's left of it) is slipping. It's clear that nothing pleases you and that your sole purpose is to stir the pot. I would compare your ideas and efforts to those of your brother Art's football tower. Both are unfinished, unrefined and create an eyesore for the district. At least Art's tower will one day be finished and contribute to the district in a positive way. Your ideas will continue to divide & create discontent.

2/27/2007 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger PP said...

You guys are kidding, right?

Your responses about "communication" are so improbable they remind one of those prank faked tear-jerkers Dear Abby used to sometimes get from Yale undergrads.

"Communication" implies a process -- a two-way process.

Community Connections, on the other hand, is strictly a puff-piece, ghost written by a hired pen -- propaganda, sent our way about once a year.

It's good you are just a couple of street-corner philosophers. It really would be too bad if our elected officials were so completely out of touch with their community! And, in the case of "Anonymous", so gratuitously insulting.

The following is addressed solely to this particular "Anonymous":

Your insult of Art is unconscionable.

How clever of you, out of the blue, to raise a diversion about the tower. It has no relevance here, and you clearly don't know what you're talking about, but it creates a pretext for a cowardly ad hominem attack.

You hide behind anonymity to attack a person who, even though you might disagree with him, has done a tremendous amount of good through volunteering in our District -- for years.

Should I list all of his activities here? I think you know of a number of them.

It is a low and vile insult that you hurl, and in the end it reflects back on you.

You degrade yourself in an attempt to degrade others.

The schools need no such "friends" as you.

2/28/2007 12:21:00 PM  

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