Voters of MSAD 46

A citizen voice for reform in Maine School Administrative District #46 (Dexter, Exeter,Garland, and Ripley).
A collaboration of Art Jette, Mel Johnson, and the interested public since 1951.
Our statement of principles: Where We Stand

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Greenville on My Mind!

In Greenville, it seems there's a free-ranging discussion occurring -- right out in the open, if you can imagine such a thing -- about the future of their schools under State-mandated reorganization.

Here are the terms of the discussion as reported in the Piscataquis Observer, the Moosehead Messenger, and referred to in this Bangor Daily News article.

On Monday, July 23, at its regular meeting the Greenville School Committee had a public discussion of all of the options open to it under reorganization. One option is to go with the State-suggested RSU formation (RSU 24), allying itself with four other districts, comprising a wide-ranging collection of communities, including Jackman, Anson, Madison, and Bingham.

Another option might be to join with districts to Greenville's south, such as SAD 4 (Guilford) and SAD 46 (Dexter).

Another possibility would be to become an independent, or "60/40", institution, along the lines of the state's eleven private schools, including Foxcroft Academy.

Yet another option might be to come in under Foxcroft Academy's wing, "borrowing" their accreditation while maintaining Greenville facilities.

Cost options were available for a number of these options; for instance, joining the proposed RSU 24 would cost Greenville $300,000 more per year (as an increased local share). Joining SADs 4 and 46 could save Greenville $370,000.

These are weighty matters, obviously!

For right now, Greenville seems to be keeping its options open. They've tentatively begun the discussion with the proposed RSU 24, appointing a Board member to that entity's planning committee.

It's too bad SAD 46 citizens aren't being brought in on a reorganization discussion in a similar fashion.

I guess you have to have to first have respect for the citizens to even think of engaging them in shaping their future!

Unless, that is, you're more interested in preserving your own employment.


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